A horror themed eBook bundle has started on Groupees featuring numerous authors presented by Dynamite. The two cthulhu books are around 300 pages each as a rough guide and all up you get 17 eBooks for $5 USD with 10% of your payment being donated to charity.
The books can be downloaded in PDF, EPUB and some in MOBI formats.
For $5 minimum you get:
Ashes (Philip Hemplow)
The Wicked (James Newman)
The Broker of Nightmares (Jon Padgett)
Greener Pastures (Michael Wehunt)
Entertaining Demons (Daniel I. Russell)
Cthulhu Lives! An Eldritch Tribute To H.P. Lovecraft (Salome Jones)
Cthulhu Lies Dreaming: 23 Tales of Weird and Cosmic (Salome Jones)
Dark and Distant Voices (Tim Waggoner)
A Hawk in the Woods (Carrie Laben)
Ashes and Entropy (Robert S. Wilson)
Hawk Hollow (J.D. Oliva)
Katrina Hates the Apocalypse (Russell Nohelty)
Release (Amelia Mangan)
The Selection (Jacqui Castle)
Those Rosary Hours at Mazandaran (Marion Grace Woolley)
Three Miles Past (Stephen Graham Jones)
Mask of the Other (Greg Stolze)
A bundle on groupees sure does sound nice.