Anyone else having problems solving captchas from Google lately?

I'm sure I know a crosswalk looks like but I have to solve ti like 20 times before it lets me in.

I think somehow the bots have managed to convince the algorithm that the wrong answer is correct. It started happening around 3 days ago. It's not really that detrimental, but it is growing increasingly annoying.

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  • Been there got sick of that.

    Most of the sites I visit that used captchas in the past have now stopped, all you have to do is check a "I am not a robot" box.

    Don't miss going through a dozen or so screens before being let onto the site at all.

  • Yep been running into this a lot on some websites like Greenmangaming. I just don't bother anymore unless I have a pressing need to visit those sites, it's too annoying.

  • +4
  • +2

    the trick is to like hover and like pretend misclicks (on the Im not a robot tick box) "human" behvaiour, then you won't have to do the actual captcha

    • +1

      human" behvaiour


  • +3

    Hmm…or perhaps you are a bot, OP????

  • The sad thing is that Google quite literally asks you questions that are proven to be solvable by robots. Identifying a fire hydrant or a school bus is a computer vision problem that has already been solved by the likes of Google. These problems are solved far easier and faster by robots. The CAPTCHA is obviously to stop or slow down the humans.

    • +1

      that's how google improves their dataset, to make bus and hydrant detection even better

      • But if the CAPTCHA system actually works, they already know the correct answers, otherwise you could select any answer and it will work. What exactly are they improving if they already know which image is correct and which image is not?

        • how do you think they know what these things are? someone has to identify them first, and the more identifications they have, the better they can detect more things.
          get a few pics that are clearly buses, mix in some things that might be buses, and see what people say about them. if they only pick the definite buses, fine. if they pick the maybes, also good. but ask a million people and they won't be maybes anymore, and now they are better at picking out other maybes automatically.

          theres also the edge detection ones, where they show something like a traffic light and ask you to fill which squares have the light. by showing that same image to many people, but shifted around a bit, they would have a very good idea of exactly what is and isnt part of the light

          • @crentist: Yes, I get the premise of mathematics and statistics, well done dumbing it down. What I do not get is what they're improving by showing the exact same fire hydrant image, year in, year out, to the same people who do not use Google Chrome or hold a Google account.

  • +1

    Here is a chrome extension that may help.

    A robot to tell the computer that you are not a robot.…

  • Yes, me too. About 20 tries last time, all buses, traffic signals and crosswalks.

  • 1) Google tactic to drive people to Chrome. Search Chrome vs Firefox captcha.
    2) Firefox improved the privacy of browser to make it harder for websites to target you.

    What is more important: convenience and tracking or inconvenience and privacy?

    Did you know Google is working to ban ad blockers for Chrome browser?

  • Are you sure you're not a robot?

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