• expired

1/2 Price Access Fees for 2 Years- Vodafone

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ok, so the reception on the network isn't great but this is a pretty good deal for your kids. $14.50 a month for $180 calls/text. 200mb data.

$14.50/ month access
- Motorola flipout (android)
- nokia n97
- nokia e63
- lg mini
- nokia 6700 slide

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Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    its voda which i must admit have been improving their network this past month so its not a bad deal. sell the phone and stick sim in my current one

  • rather go with live connected you get more data and it runs on Optus

    • how much with live connected?

      • Trying to figure out, is live connected a lock-in contract (12,24 etc) or can u cancel any time?

        • +1

          new plans are month by month

    • Are LC giving you a phone for free??

      I'd almost have to say atm that Voda is less congested than Optus which is dreadful in alot of areas….

      • How is there ever a phone for "free"?

        The "subsidy" of the phone is always done with reduced call/data allowances.

  • +3

    Liveconnected can be as low as $5. Signed 3 people in the household to a 185/135 + 200mb plan for that price. Cops a lot of unfair criticism for 1300/1800 number. One thing to look out for is their confusing billing, especially in the first month. They have some sort of prorata thing going which means for the first month it'll be $10/mth rather than 5. Wasn't happy with that.

    • Just so you know, the first month access fee includes the next months, as with all plans you are charged your access fee upfront and pay for any extra calls at the end of the month. So in effect you paid for the first month that you had the sim at the end of the first month and you paid the next months access fee as well. It seems like you are paying more but in effect it's still 5 a month - you were not overcharged.

      I can vouch for Live Connected, they have been great and I have found them far easier to deal with than ANY other company I have been with so far (big call, but it's true). I email them with any queries in my own time and they always get back to me with 24-48 hours. No waiting on hold, no dealing with call center staff etc. They also have a sorta emergency response line, where emails regarding lost sims etc are dealt with very quickly.

      Check out their upcoming new plans, and if you want to grab one of the $5 plans make sure to do it now as they are not available after june 15th.

      • I can also vouch for LC.
        Regarding the confusing billing in the first month - I experienced this too, and I then looked into the attached PDF invoice with the details. You have to read it very carefully to understand it, but they actually don't over charge you. As random123 has said, they charge you in advance for the next month as well, that's why you're charged more than just one month's worth.

        LC have been great. They ARE including 1300/1800 numbers after the migration which is occurring some time towards the end of the month.

        Oh and: The $5 plan is still available after the migration. It just doesn't include 13/1800 numbers and seems to give less credit than fungi79 said.

        • Thanks for the correction illumination, I knew there was something about the 5$ plan and signing up after the 15th, indeed they are not dropping it, BUT they are increasing the calls rates on the $5 plan. So i guess it is more desirable to sign up before the 15th.

          I found I never call 13/1800 numbers anyway so am happy to stay on my current plan.

      • Ive ported to liveconnected as well, $7.99 for a reasonable amount of calls+text and 200mb data.
        Given that 1300/1800 will be included next month, it covers my usage requirements pretty well.

    • Got the same plan as a second plan (private) for myself and my wife. No problems, working great.
      The first bill was not confusing, kind of make sense to me, so no problems there. As I even can't remember last time when I called 1300/1800 number, this is no issue for me either :-)

  • +6

    Not bad for responsible grown ups but I wonder if so-called "cap" plans in general are good for kids (or their parents).

    • yeah, what happens when they go over the downloads etc

      • Yeah good point, going from what I've learnt in the past it's extremely nasty.

        OK, read the fine print. It says that they will charge you $500/GB you go over your data plan (they charge per 12KB)

      • Sorry, Accidental Duplicate Post - Please Delete

    • Yes… a kid with a contract phone.. = disaster .. LOL

  • +1

    Whoa!! N97 in the bargain bin for $14.50/month!? (+$4 for an extra 700MB data pack to avoid excess charges)

    Wasn't that the Nokia flagship not long ago? 32GB storage, VERY nice camera, touchscreen AND keyboard.

    Oh how Nokia has fallen.

    • +1

      The camera is not that good actually. 5 megapixel but somehow its worst then my old Sony Ericson K800 3.2 megapixel camera.

      • Yes, anything over 2Mp is fine. But I thought the N97 had 5Mp and a good lens etc.

        I know it had some poor reviews, but expectations were high when it was supposed to be top of the line.
        The N97 has to be way better than the ancient E63 or others offered.

        • nope if you go into any of those gadget recycling sites, they pay more for the n96 and n86 than the n97. If you wanted, you could buy a second hand one for about $50 from OCAU forums

      • I am a photographer and use an old N95 which gives photos close in quality (if not as good) to a good point and shoot. The most important thing for a camera to do is to be able to focus, and the N95 is brilliant. Don't know how the N97 compares, but I would have thought it similar.

    • 18 months ago sure. At the rate the mobile industry is moving thats quite a while ago. Something like the Nexus S is free on a $30 plan too and that things like 6 months old.

      • that's cause the Nexus S is no better than Galaxy S… which is like a year old.

        • Yeah fair enough, point being that its a reasonable timeframe for these devices to get cheap.

        • +2

          wait… why did I get negged for this? =/

        • +2

          there ya go - i evened it up for you :)

    • Nokia were the Apple of mobile phones not 5 years ago. They have lost substantial market share which I would have never predicted.

    • +1

      Unluckily the n97 is an awful, awful phone. Avoid everything about it (I work for Voda, the number of returns and repairs we get is ridiculous).

      The half price deals are good value though. You can get the $10 off for 12 months deals in store, but the half-price ones are online only.

  • Hmmm, I'm with vodafone and I pay $30/2months prepaid. With this deal I get a free phone to give to my parents, significantly more credit/data for slightly less money. Only downside is the 2 year thing, does anyone know if this deal is compatible with the NRMA thing?

    • +2

      No - you are forgetting a big downside: the blank cheque you are writing to Vodafone.
      With prepaid, your phone stops working for data or outgoing calls when you reach the limit, vs you starting another "help me" bill shock thread on whirlpool. Try not to equate the "cap" amount of prepaid vs postpaid.

  • Wait is this compatible with Moneyback Co?

  • +2

    I switched from 3 to Voda $29 Cap through telephone sales and they waived early termination fees, offered first 3 months free and $5 off regular cap price for the remaining 21 months.

    The phone I chose was Samasung Nexus S

    • How many months left before you terminated? And which number did you call? Voda or 3?

    • How many months left before you terminated? And which number did you call? Voda or 3?

      • One month was left and I called 133320,which is 3 customer service number.

        • This may seem like a silly question, but you are now technically on the vodafone network? Or did they only change it in the accounting department? Reason I'm asking is that I need to change to vodafone because 3 has difficulties SMS'ing with some countries (SMS's don't get routed properly).

        • Sales rep told me Vodafone has bigger and bettwer network than Three.

          My understanding is Voda and 3 are different networks, when you migrate to Voda from 3, you will technically on the voda network. Please confirm with sales rep while you upgrade.

          I face similar issue with 3 network. While you can't send SMS to some of overseas countries, my issue is that I can't receive calls from OPTUS network customers.

    • How did you get them to do that? Is this a "known right" which customers have? Or did you have to talk them into it?

      • +1

        I think Three brand will be eliminated by Vodafone. The sales representative told me promotion only applies if migrated service from Three to Voda.

        • Great, thanks for letting me know. Will be phoning 3 tonight :)

    • yea wondering the same thing, i gotta a month left on my contract with 3, planning to switch to voda, plus i have another contract with Voda. they said the best they could do is choose either 3 month free access or $5 off each month. How did u get both?

      • I have a few services with 3 under one invoice (for the whole family).

        They offered both promitions porbably because I upgraded two service at the same time.

        • oh kkkk i see, did you ask for the promotion or they just gave it to u?

        • You need to ask for or mention promotions, or you will get nothing.

        • 3 months free will be applicable for any migrating 3 to vodafone customer who has completed 23 or more months of their contract. this is automatically applied so no need to ask for it.

      • I have just phoned with 3 (the "upgrade" department). I was on a 12 month contract with 3, on $29 cap. They agreed to move me to a 24 month contract on voda without charging me the cost of leaving my contract 2.5 months early (which would have cost $68). Apparently there is an agreement in place that those costs are waived.
        As I was finalising the deal, my wife (exact same contract, same duration, etc.) phoned to ask for the same deal, and they initially said they wouldn't waive the early exit fee. Escalated to their manager (saying that this is what 3 offered me), and then they agreed. Imagine, my customer rep placed a note on my wife's account for her rep to see about the deal they agreed to for me :)

  • I moved from 3 to voda recently, my previouse contract with iphone 3gs was only done 11 months, so i need to send the phone back, but they waived all the termination fees, and I signed up with a new contract for 12 months. $49cap+$5 for the HTC desire HD, so thats only $53 in 12 months in total $636, the phones outright was almost the same :) nice bargain, after 12 months the phone is mine.

  • +1

    The best phone in the clearance section must be the milestone 2!! Highly recommended!!

    • Its not on the linked page, but you can get it on the $29 cap, ½price 12 month, so $522 total.
      That's amazing. Voda is giving away their service for free, since that's a good price for handset only.

  • Price is very decent. Ends up being $348 all up.

  • It's probably worth it just for the data. Put the SIM in your Ipad and you get 200mb a month for free if you sell your phone on Ebay

    • i has a Ipad?

      • lol my bad, yeah I meant "iPad"

  • +1

    For those couples or families who want to sign up two phones, Crazy Johns have twin $49 caps. Basically you get
    - Two HTC Legend phones with zero dollar repayment.
    - Share $550 credits
    - Bonus $25 credits to each phones
    - 750MB data included for each phone
    - Bonus 500MB data for each phone
    - Free talk to other Crazy Johns, 3 and Vodafone customers
    - Bonus $50 VISA gift card


    Please let me know if I'm wrong.

  • -2

    The $180 of calls and texts is redundant when you consider how much of a rip off the call rate is. Ends up at 200mins of calls before you take into consideration flagfall. Assuming an average call is 5 minutes that is ~37 calls per month. Basically one call a day without any texting.

    They don't even charge the standard 25c for texts. 28c may not seem like much but it all adds up.

    Say the average person sends about 10 texts a day. That is $84 of your cap gone thanks. Leaves you with ~20 5 min calls per month.

    I wouldn't dream of giving this plan to kids as suggested. They could tear through the 643 texts in no time without even making a call.

    Standard TXT 28c each (up to 160 characters)
    Standard PXT® (Video) 75c each
    Standard PXT® (text, pic, audio) 50c each
    Standard voice calls 90c per minute + 35c flagfall

    • I agree that these "fake caps" are a scam, but it's all about relativity. I use very little of my cap, and am only with them because of the free "3 to 3" and "3 to voda". Works out very well for me.
      As for giving kids a mobile with subscription: I am not convinced this is healthy regardless of circumstances, but that's just my honest opinion.

      I don't think a neg is justified, because of price relativity, and because your comments are not really to do with the bargain.

    • +4

      The $180 of calls and texts is redundant when you consider how much of a rip off the call rate is. Ends up at 200mins of calls before you take into consideration flagfall. Assuming an average call is 5 minutes that is ~37 calls per month. Basically one call a day without any texting.

      for $14.50 a month.

      take your calculation and use it on Amaysim pay as you go.

      5min/call x $0.15 = $0.75 for a 5mins call.

      using your calculation of 37 calls a month
      $0.75 x 37 = $27.75 a month.

      NOW we compare to this deal,
      Same thing in this "Fake caps" costs us: $14.50 a month as opposed to Amaysim pay as you go with ALOT cheaper rate costs us $27.75. ALMOST DOUBLED.

      Maybe you can show us a better sim deal then. I am eagerly waiting!

      • In other words you need to work out the effective rate of the plan.

        You get $180 credit and you pay $14.50.

        180 / 14.50 = 12.4x (12.4 times the amount of credit you get)

        rate per minute $0.90 / 12.4 = $0.0726
        rate per flag fall $0.35 / 12.4 = $0.0282
        rate per sms $0.28 / 12.4 = $0.0226

        As Jasecs said this is a lot cheaper than Amaysims $0.15 per minute.

        The main catch is that you need to watch going over your cap, so just make sure your on the right cap for the amount of calls you make and you will be fine.

      • +1

        The thing you overlooked is that this will only be cost effective if you fully use your cap, as soon as you start overusing or underusing? it , the value comes down, while the value is the same with amaysim however much you use it.

        I would do the fancy calculations to show you, but I CBF

        • i like that attitude. i also agree with your point. hence each should find what suitable for them. im on 49cap with vodafone dont even use half of my credit half of the time. Went for it for a phone, phone + plan only effectively cost me $700 over the contract. if i was to buy the phone, it would cost me $700 imported anyway. So free access is a bonus for me over a year too.

          if you are doing for kids, i would just use prepaid. starve them if they finished their credit. No more for them for the month.

    • Good to hear different opinions.

      When I plan to buy something, I would like to hear different opinions.

    • By this price, I think you can't go wrong for a free phone.

    • Ok you've made your point Tilduke so how about showing us a superior deal that justifies your neg?

  • -1

    LiveConnected is moving everyone on old plans over to new plans this month, yes, even the $5 plans.

    It is no longer as good value.

    • +1

      no its not

      only people from caps before and including Discovery II and if you wanted to the news ones as well.

      I'm on the new cap Discovery IV and do not have to migrate

  • itll cost $180 to just keep calling the same person because the phone keeps dropping out because of bad reception….

  • Wow, an adult discussion with just 1 neg…

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