Does the radiographer give anything away when they hand you your CD. I had a brain MRI today and when he gave me my CD he said best of luck with everything. Should I read into this. I have to wait 5 days for the results

or MS Paint.
If he asked if he could buy your house/car off you before you kark it, I would be concerned.
Probably says best of luck to everyone
Just an expression.
Did he ask you to pay for the MRI before you left the building?
They say that to everyone.Try to stay positive if you can :)
Stay positive mate, it’s better than him saying worst of luck with everything
Most likely just a phrase they say to everyone. Try to not worry about anything related to it until you get the results from your doc! If it helps, if there was something extremely worrying and urgent seen, they probably would've kept you within the department or sent you around to ED straight away.
Best of luck with everything ;)
Radiographer and sonographer's never want to deal with any of the issues that results from their scans. Your primary carer aka your doctor should be the one that relays anything to you and creates a plan for any further treatment you may need.
While they are pretty skilled, they are not doctors.
… he said best of luck with everything.
An unprofessional response.
I wouldn't read into it at all but I'd certainly inform the referring doctor about the remark. Having a test/scan causes a lot of stress from uncertainty and that's why the protocol is for the referring doctor to break the news, whether positive or negative.
I hold radiographers in high regard and I'm sure many know the diagnosis from the images they take but unless they want to guarantee conclusive findings and take full liability for any potential fallout for every single test they do, they should just tell the patient, even if convinced to spill the beans - "the doctor will contact you to discuss the results."
No variation. No implication.
These medical professionals are trained and instructed to NOT interpret the results, but merely to perform their scan and record them.
They could see a shadow the size of a palm on a lung scan and still be required to say nothing.
In my extensive experience, no radiographer has ever given me an inclination of scan results. As well as my specialists, who don't show any signs when I pass them in the waiting room 10 minutes before I get the results off them.
Source: Had cancer, and many scans.
I always thought a report was included with the scans? Every scan I have had has included a written report for my treating doctor (including scans I have received in soft copy) from the radiologist. I always read these to try and get an understanding …
I am stating below as an online anonymous OzBargainer and it does not constitute health, medical or otherwise professional advice.
Can't read too much into that. Sounds like something that is said off the cuff.
It's true Radiographers are often great at interpreting scans but the Radiologist is the one who does the formal report. If the Radiographer saw anything that was urgently concerning, they would normally flag it with the Radiologist who would typically contact the Referring Doctor and you would be advised to see the referring Doctor urgently (or go to Emergency). Otherwise hard to read too much into it.Sure this isn't the opening of a Seinfeld episode?
if there is a T2 post Gad series on the disc? look for things that are asymmetrical across midline. weird shaped blobby thing, highly vascularised? boom cancer!
remember that the radiographer is a regular person, at work. no one's try to mess with you. there is no script to follow. when you see stuff like that on someones scan, you always feel real bad for them.
if you feel like you've been led to believe (by the radiographer) there is something significant on the scan and that is now causing you emotional distress, make a complaint to the practice or hospital or AHPRA.
it is totally normal to worry, no one's getting a scan if they know nothing is wrong
Iv'e had a MRB to. all clear in the end.
good luck with yours!
(see.. it's a harmless expression - source: me, also a person who speaks to people)
What? No. Everyone should have the same dehumanised responses to other people.
I will be only concerned if a radiologist told me that
Don't you just hate it when people say good luck before a medical treatment e.g Good luck with the surgery.
I'm so suing you undue stress and pain and suffering.
How dare you have such a very human response when you found out someone is having a medical procedure done.
That's a completely different situation.
In this situation, the OP has received a remark which can be interpreted as meaning something bad was on the scan. They shouldn't be saying things like that unless they're willing and (legally) capable of explaining the results and next steps.
With me, a radiologist was called in. I was in for an ultrasound and the radiologist said I'm calling your doctor so we get a CT scan done today. CT radiographer impressed upon me the need to get the blood test done as soon as possible. The radiologist said few other things as well (have you been tired, have you lost weight unexpectedly*)……… And, it was the big C. By the way, no shade to the scanning place, those guys were great. In the days post to this, I actually really appreciated their decisiveness and speediness.
(*Obligatory disclaimer: if you have been tired and have lost weight unexpectedly it does not necessarily mean you have cancer).
As a student radiographer, saying 'all the best' is just an expression that we use at the end of the scan. Anything that is clinical urgent such as pneumothorax, broken hips, bad fractures, massive tumours etc, we will discuss with the on-site radiologist to determine the best course of action.
But but but.. saying all the best just made you their diagnosing physician.
I don't need no doctor nor a second opinion from another doctor. Your best wishes just said it all. The end is nigh.
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