Centrelink Question - Bachelor Degree and Going for Diploma

Hi Guys

Had a question about centerlink either austudy or YA.

If soemone's done a bachelor's degree previously (5 years) finished when they were 25, and now they are 30 looking to do a diploma course which is full time study Would they be eligible- or does it have to be study at a higher level such as masters?

There is a masters course i am looking at but is not on the list of approved courses- chances of getting it approve prob is close to 0 right,

(i will ask them on monday but just wanted ppl's thoughts- plus i know centrlink phone support ppl give different answers)



  • There's only a limited number of years you can get austudy for. I know cause I ran out and had to go on newstart.

    There's no harm in being on newstart, it is more money with the cost of having to apply for jobs you have no interest in. The only reason you'd want to be on austudy is that you're allowed to work more before you start losing money. So if you were planning to work part time you might want to be on austudy.

    Not sure about list of approved courses.

    And no, Centrelink staff should all give you the same answer to the same questions. They're there to help you, please don't be mean to them.

    • Yes and no. There is a certain amount of years of austudy your entitled to, but it does reset every ten years.
      Also you do lose money on austudy. I'm not sure if at a slower rate than Newstart but you still lose after you earn roughly 1100 a fortnight on austudy.

      I also agree. Nothing wrong with Newstart, it can be terrible it you do nothing, but if your still studying because exhausting austudy the job network people are generally more lenient.
      And yes. Be nice to the poor staff. They are just one step away from being on Centrelink themselves and they know it. They don't make the decision they just have the displeasure of telling you.

      • Ah I didn't realise it reset - that's useful to know

  • I understood you wouldn’t be eligible for Austudy for another bachelors until 10 years has elapsed, but u can do masters or diploma as its not at the same level. Btw where did you find a list of masters courses that have been approved?

    • yes this is my question like i know that you can do masters (if it is approved) even if you've done a bachelor's degree. But i was wondering if the same applies for diploma?

    • +1

      It appears this is the latest legislation https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2019L00062 - the approved Masters courses are listed by university.

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