Costco catalogue promotion till 21/7/2019.
Package includes:
* Basic Eneloop Charger
* 8x AA (Panasonic)Eneloop Battery
* 4x AAA (Panasonic)Eneloop Battery
Costco catalogue promotion till 21/7/2019.
Package includes:
* Basic Eneloop Charger
* 8x AA (Panasonic)Eneloop Battery
* 4x AAA (Panasonic)Eneloop Battery
Thanks. Fixed up the title to include the price.
Has anyone else reached a point where they have enough eneloops.
yes I did, but now many of them have finally died, so am looking for more lol!! don't need the charger though.
They died? That must be some serious battery useage
It's easy to have eneloops die.
Most of the eneloop+charger deals, like this one, include a dumb charger. If you use a dumb charger, you won't get anywhere near the rated number of recharge cycles, your batteries will die in 50-200 cycles.
Anyone buying this deal is advised NOT to use this charger, not even once. Buy a smart charger instead. Good smart chargers include Ikea's $15 LADDA charger (all the other Ikea chargers are bad), a Nitecore D4 or I4, or a Liitokala Lii-500.
@derdew: If by die you mean the charger won't charge them anymore. You can 'revive' them using tongs or a couple of knives. Have you tried that?
@Mal68: Shorting a working battery across a "dead" battery does work for some dead batteries, but usually the damage caused by dumb chargers is of a different type, and shorting can't cure that.
To use an analogy, think of each battery as a 10-litre bucket, and electricity as water. If the bucket is half-full, so if you try to fill (charge) it with 10 more litres of water, the bucket will overflow.
This is what dumb chargers do, they try to push a fixed amount of electricity into the battery, irrespective of how much electricity is already in the battery. Smart chargers can sense when the battery reaches full, and they stop charging at that point.
In the case of batteries, it's not like the excess electricity can pour out of the battery and onto your desktop. The excess electricity turns into heat, making your battery very hot, and turning some of the liquid electrolyte inside into steam. The steam builds up pressure, and pops the pressure safety vent, which is usually hidden under the cardboard surrounding the positive pip.
Once the pressure safety vent has been popped, it is permanently open, and the remaining electrolyte inside the battery will slowly dry out, making the battery lose capacity. This type of damage can't be repaired, and that's why you should never use a dumb charger on your batteries, not even once.
@Mal68: they charge, but then don't last very long (like less than a day in a doorbell!!). I'm sure I've stuffed them for good
@derdew: Sadly yes. Low capacity is almost always caused by the pressure safety vent opening, which results in the electrolyte drying out, causing low capacity.
You can often see the signs:
- it looks like there is a water stain at the positive end of the battery
- the cardboard around the positive pip has probably gone crumbly.
Is there any deal for 8AA eneloop.
The charger is rubbish. Go for CC55, when it's at 1/2.
Bummer bought Red Rock Deli chips today. Could've saved $2.50 tomorrow.
Go to the refund counter, they’ll refund any price changes within 30days
Price in title please