This is what I had my cable connection paying $59 per month unlimited.
This is my new NBN connection speed $80 monthly, so happy!
Question is why I got forced to go with nbn and pay more for something slower?
This is what I had my cable connection paying $59 per month unlimited.
This is my new NBN connection speed $80 monthly, so happy!
Question is why I got forced to go with nbn and pay more for something slower?
I'm more disappointed with the download speed tbh
how can you get that low speed on fttp? change provider maybe?
So disappointed I'm happy with my cable
Because if you want faster you have to pay even more for it. (depending on how much you want to be able to download)
Strange. You should be getting close to the maximum with fttp unless you're with a nbn reseller that oversells their bandwidth.
I had FTTC and 50/20 Plan with AussieBB I had 47-49 Down and 18-19.5 up.
How much monthly?
If NBN just arrived at your address and you previously had cable, you can't possibly be on FTTP. Sure it's not FTTC?
Cable uses HFC
@AMLagonda: HFC is HFC and not FTTP, though. More closely related to FTTN with different technology for last-mile.
upload speed looks a bit off and the latency is quite high with your NBN connection
So what's good abt this nbn thing
What speed do you get when you connect directly to the NBN box?
I get 100/40 with Optus NBN, although since i use powerline in the house i lose a bit, but when i test it straight from the pipe it's full blast at 100/40, i'm satisfied
I'm with optus too, are u using speed pack 4?
I am!
So why l got pay more for something slower?
That's your problem. You should've went with someone like AussieBroadband. Have a look at whirlpool and see how the ISPs engage with their customers and see how quick they're at implementing, monitoring, solving issues etc.
You have FTTP. Your line could do better providing you chose an rsp that cares and invests into their network.
Err, your WiFi is not connected in the "NBN" screenshot, you've just speedtested your Mobile connection.
Time to change your username back to newbie :D
You shouldn't be doing speedtests on WiFi anyway.
Whoah there mate!
All I can do is comment on the provided info, I don't know if your phone displays a 4G, but I do know that it displays a WiFi symbol when it's connected.
If you're actually on FttP and that's actually your NBN speed (after doing a speedtest by ethernet cable, not by WiFi) then clearly your Install has been borked and NBN will fix it after you alert your ISP.
nice catch hahaha
Oh God.
What scuba was highlighting was that if the speedtest was done with the WiFi disconnected, then the test was being run on the phones 4G connection, thus not using OP's home NBN connection.
WiFi is great as a quick check… but it's not suitable for starting a complaint.
Strange that Chromecast is active though!
…but WiFi can have connection speeds up to 300Mb/s, more than enough throughput for even a fibre connection that's less than 300 speed of course….
Can and does are completely different.
Can is under ideal, theoretical conditions.
Isn't that dependent on your network and or internet speeds? If your internet and Ethernet network speeds are only 10Mb/s then you obviously won't be able to utilize that full 300Mb/s WIFi speed….
So happy ?
Apart from upload dam.
You sure you have the 100/40 speed pack and not
the 50/20 one.
Exactly what I thought. Download speed seems to match a 50MB plan.
You should be doing an isolation test, that will return more accurate figures. I pretty much take my laptop straight to the network box.
Wait! My sarcasm sense is tingling…
lol we've had FTTH for 3 years.
Got FTTH as well, no complaints, rip anyone using malcolm turnbills "multi-tiered connections"
Nope FTTH, was connected the day before Labor got voted out lol, , been on 100/40 ever since.
FTTP and FTTH is the same thing. Companies like TPG and iiNet calls their service FTTH while the others use the more correct term FTTP.
@whooah1979: Nope you may want look into that, FTTH is fibre all the way to the home, FTTPis Copper from the street.
@[Deactivated]: The "Home" is the "Premises".
FTTN = crap
…looks like you'll get competitive latency and upload, but much faster download speeds on 5G. So you might as well get a mini satellite dish, and plug in your 200GB Monthly Data Only 5G-SIM Card and finally enjoy proper modern Internet at home (like the Koreans, Japanese, Scandinavians do).
Go with 5G if available on your area.
Noob got caught lying with the tests, now doesn’t reply.
NBN is super expensive. I lived in an apartment with Wondercoms own FTTB (Now TPG) for 18 months in 2015 and paid $70/month for 100/50 with unlimited download. The speed never dropped in peak.
You'll pay at least $100/month for the equivalent NBN plan.
What OP is trying to say is that he's paying more for the same thing. Regardless of whether his plan can be upgraded to 100 down (which it probably can), it's still going to cost them considerably more.
I now pay $75/month for 50/25 with 500mb download, so I'm the same. Pay more, get less.
Indeed, I paid $60 for the cable and had 80-90mbps why would I pay extra $40 to get the same thing in NBN?
Whats the benefit?
Because Kevin Rudd had what he thought was a good idea.
Yeah but I'm sick of hearing people say "NBN is slower" when what the truth is is "NBN is more expensive" because its only slower because they're on a slower plan. Big difference between the two statements.
Mate why the hell I should pay more to get the same thing I had cheaper??? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :(
NBN is super expensive. I lived in an apartment with Wondercoms own FTTB (Now TPG) for 18 months in 2015 and paid $70/month for 100/50 with unlimited download. The speed never dropped in peak.
See how much TPG would charge you if they couldn’t just cherry pick the most profitable areas.
You’d be begging for a NBN connection if they had to service the areas NBN does (along with the cross subsidy needed).
your ping still high, when I was with telstra HFC my ping was always around 11-12
Why do I pay more for the same 2Litre bottle of milk? Why do I get less chocolate now than I did 5 years ago?
Hey my not so smart friend, did you read the comments?
Yeah, I did. You're downvoted to hell smart aleck.
Haha -1 so cute
I'm surprised your upload speed has dropped considerably.. what type of fibre connection is this? FTTP? HFC? FTTC? FTTN?