Hello Ozbargain,
Would love to hear your tips and suggestions for some great free cloud based services that I can use to start mucking around with. I'm interested primarily with linux-based projects and would like to do some projects like:
-Host my own NextCloud instance as a dropbox alternative
-Monitor a bunch of stuff with Zabbix
-Host a basic CMS
-Move my weather station website from its current home (a free webhost that is a bit flakey) to a proper LAMP stack that I control
I know about the free tiers on AWS / Azure, but is there anything else I should look at?
Maybe a free / really cheap linux VPS?
If it helps to secure a good deal / freebie, I have family who work in education that can provide me with a .edu.au email address.
EDIT: forgot to mention, I've already got my own domain too…not sure that is super relevant but I'll mention it anyway
EDIT2: VPS is the acronym I was forgetting- a free / cheap linux VPS would be fine too, if there's any recommendations
There is no need to look at cheap/small cloud providers. AWS/Azure/GCP are dominating the market with quality, diverse, well-priced and reliable services.
If you are really interested in the long term development of skills I suggest you to go through the course like AWS Solutions Architect associate (or Azure 301 alternative) - this will give you a great start, available for like $15 on udemy.