Hyundai i30 Logbook Service

I had the 84 Months, 105,000 km (only have 26,000 K on the clock) service done on a Hyundai i30 automatic with petrol engine at a Hyundai dealer yesterday. I booked the service online on the Hyundai website. The capped price service quote was $235.00
After the initial check of the car I was told by the dealer that the following service should be carried out as well.

Drive Belt change (not Timing Belt) Cost $89.31 – Labour $137.00 Total $226.31
Pollen Filter change: Cost $101.45 – Labour $30.00 Total $131.45
Spark Plug change: Cost 39.74 ea – Labour $88.00 Total $246.96
Transmission service: $295.00
Coolant service: $220.00

The total cost jumped from $235.00 to $1354.72. The logbook service consists basically of an oil change, wheel rotation and inspection of various components.


  • +1

    Wow, you only have done 26,000K and having all those problems.

    To me what you are describing is the standard "service" from a dealer. They always charge more (and invent things to fix). Due to to this reason (and not having a car in warranty anymore) we started getting our car serviced through a local mechanic (terribly honest and doesn't believe in giving people big bills, he used to work for lubemobile as a young mechanic and was horrified at how they would give people long lists of expensive repairs and the people would be shattered).

    So I would say find a mechanic like that. An older honest guy who genuinely wants to help people.

    We have a new car now (i30, but a novated lease) so need to go the service at the hyundai dealer until the warranty/novated lease is over.

    • +3

      No you don't.

      Any licenced mechanic can service your car. Even Lube Mobile at your home or work.
      Your vehicle warranty and log book (including stamps) remains intact.

      • -1

        Umm voilet's car is a novated lease car (not OP), they have to go to hyundai dealer until the warranty/novated lease is over.

        • +2

          Need to check the fine print. You would need to have a novated lease vehicle serviced at a place approved by the novated lease company which may or may not mean the Hyundai dealer.

        • +4

          I've worked on plenty of cars on leases, and didn't work at a dealership.

        • @kolorigo

          That's incorrect, you don't HAVE to at all.
          The lease provider simply manages the expenses for your car, it doesn't stipulate dealer servicing only.

          Provided you use an approved repairer, or arrange for your preferred repairer to contact the lease provider for an approval number (very straight forward), then you can use almost anyone within reason.

          A lease provider stipulating "Dealership only servicing" would go bankrupt!

          • +2

            @UFO: I stand corrected. Most likely, they would have their own servicing, not through dealership.

    • I have a Hyundai i30 on a novated lease and never go t a dealership for service. I use my independent honest mechanic.

      My mechanic also says that a car that travels so few km a year is driving under extreme conditions. My car does around 10000 km a year and fits the manufacturer’s definition of extreme conditions in that it does not do long runs to keep it ticking over and therefore I service twice a year. Your car does significantly fewer kilometres

  • Did you have the extra work done op or are those items recommended only?

    Typical upselling by car stealership.

  • +3

    A fool and their money is soon parted.

    You are talking past tense… so I'm assuming you paid for all those works yesterday?
    $250 on spark plugs?
    $300 on a transmission service, for a car that's only done 26k?

    They saw you walk in to the dealership and you must have had dollar signs floating around your head.
    I'm sorry if you are offended by the above, but someone needs to shake you back into reality a little bit.
    Why in the world would you spend nearly $1500 on a car service, on a car that only needed a log book service (and I'm assuming had no fault codes or problems that needed addressing).

    What's the bet the coolant and drive belt weren't even touched.


  • +6

    The dealer really has taken you for a ride, using your own car and charging you for the privilege.

    It's very important to understand that you are not obliged to go to a dealer to maintain your new car warranty. You just need to go to a qualified and licenced mechanic who will understand the requirements of log book servicing to maintain the warranty.

    Choice magazine does a good job of explaining this here, it's worth reading, it can save you a lot of money :…

    Here's the summary

    How to keep your car manufacturer's warranty intact

    • Shop around for the best servicing deal and stick with a trusted mechanic. You don't have to go to an authorized dealer to keep the manufacturer's warranty intact.
    • Service your car in line with the schedule and specifications in the owner's manual or warranty logbook.
    • Ask that quality parts be used for servicing (the parts don't have to be genuine to keep the warranty intact). Ask for an itemised account for the labour conducted and parts installed. If there's a problem with the parts used, the repairer or part manufacturer will be responsible.
    • Ask the mechanic to fill in your logbook – they don't need an authorised dealer stamp for the warranty to be valid.
      If you're choosing not to service your car through the dealership, ensure your service centre is reputable. NSW and WA have repairers' licensing schemes, and elsewhere, you can check to see if they're a member of the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC, in Victoria) or the Motor Traders Association in the other states.
  • +1

    Assuming these items were not changed previously, it is very reasonable to change the driving belt and coolant at 84 month, irrespective from the kms.

    Spark plugs and Transmission service - probably not.
    Pollen filter - depends if it's dirty or not

    I'm surprised they have not suggested to change the braking fluid, it has 2 years of life in it, but perhaps you've done that last year.

  • +9

    Qualified but no longer working motor mech here.

    Drive Belt change (not Timing Belt) Cost $89.31 – Labour $137.00 Total $226.31

    This would be "on condition". So does it have cracks or frayed edges, etc? I really doubt it if the vehicle has 26k km. If it is then it would be warranty and I'd take it up with Hyundai Australia.

    Pollen Filter change: Cost $101.45 – Labour $30.00 Total $131.45

    In your case this would be "on condition". Does the AC smell like old socks?
    They look like they are ~$40 for a genuine part on eBay. I'd change it every 2 or 3 years or at least take it out and have a look and give it a hit to release any dust. There are plenty of "How To' videos on YouTube.

    Spark Plug change: Cost 39.74 ea – Labour $88.00 Total $246.96

    Should be removed and inspected but I really doubt they are needed at 26k km as they should be 100k platinum plugs and time doesn't degrade them.

    Transmission service: $295.00

    at 7 years i'd probably get it done but maybe ring a transmission specialist and get a price? I'd also ask if that includes replacement filters, if any adjustments are possible / needed and do they flush the torque converter or just dump the pan. Price seems fair if filters are replaced and the pan dropped and cleaned.

    Coolant service: $220.00

    It only needs doing if it's lost its chemical properties that protect the engine from corrosion and raise the boiling & freezing point of the coolant. Most workshops have a coolant tester which will be either paper strips dipped in the coolant that change colour or a machine with a probe. At 7 years it might be getting close but it's better to replace on condition after testing rather than just arbitrarily replace. Price is fair as 5l of long life coolant is about $70 these days.

    My biggest concern on a 7yo vehicle is when the brake fluid was last flushed.

  • I hope you bent over when they f**ked you

  • +7

    Hi Guys
    No I did not end up getting the extra services done. I only wanted some feedback what people think about capped price car service. I actually ordered a new Wesfil pollen filter on eBay for $19.00 and will change it myself. It only takes 5 minutes to change it

    • +1

      Good. Dealers prey on peeps who don’t know how cars work and won’t give DIY a try for simple things.

    • +2

      Well done, I'm glad you didn't let the stealership rip you off on over-servicing. I hope you'll find a competent independent workshop to take care of your car and you as a customer.

      The whole 'capped' service terminology seems to be another questionable tactic to get customers in and attempt to gouge them for more money outside the 'capped' service cost.

      Sure, there's a 'cap' on the scheduled service fee, but I'd be shocked if any customer was ever charged less than the 'cap'. So it's more a quote and as the ACCC nailed Kia on, the company will vary the 'cap' at will.

      I'm sure the fine print of the 'cap' states that the labour cap only applies to the scheduled service fee and that any extra items like you had listed will be an uncapped money pot for the dealer.

    • Great to hear!

      You were saying "yesterday" and talking in past tense on the extras!

  • Have you had all the previous services done on time and in full? Sounds like they are catching up some missed items?

  • +1

    Hyundai built the car, and their Engineers decided what occurs at each service. Anything additional needs to be carefully looked at, as it certainly sounds like they are trying to 'Upsell' you!

  • Yes meiztom I had all the previous services done by the dealer except year 5 and year six was done by the NRMA. I can only hope they did the required work for that service.

  • Omg that spark plug price

  • +1

    No mention of an engine Air filter change.
    I'm guessing they haven't really checked anything at all.

  • +1

    Spark plugs would not require changing at 26,000k, more like 50-60,000.

  • Hmmm.

    1) Capped price services assume you are doing the expected kilometers. The car should have had the cheap 20,000 (or 25K or 30K) service done 4 or 5 years ago!

    2) Some fluids don't last forever, and need to be changed when time dictates.
    e.g. brake fluid, and some (non-synthetic) gearbox or power steering fluid, absorb water and contaminants and needs replacing.

    3) Rubber (suspension bushes, and belts - like timing or fan or drive belt) doesn't last forever.
    e.g. My Alfa'a drive belts are meant to be done every 3 years. Even if I only drive it 100km/year!

    So, after 7 years, even though your car has only done a quarter of its service kilometers, you might need some of these items.
    The dealer is trying to do the necessary, but might have got it wrong.

    I personally think filters and spark plugs are not necessary, although 26,000km in stop-start city traffic might mean the car needed new plugs?

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