Forgot to Renewal Private Health Insurance

I forgot to renew my private health insurance for 2019/20 by a few days does that mean I'll have a gap? Can it be backdated? Anyone with experience?

Purely doing it to avoid MLS…hate to do it for the greedy insurers but don't want to be slugged more tax


  • +11

    Ring up your insurer and ask…

  • This won't be an issue. You can make a payment now for the missed days. This is a simple and normal process for the insurer and hence nothing to worry.

  • Happened to me a few times. Just call up and update your credit card and it will be fine.

  • Forgot to Renewal


    Forgot to Renew

  • Small gap is okay

  • Forgot to update my credit card details with mine few years back, nobody from the insurance company ever contacted me which is ridiculous if you are running a business eager for customer's money.

    Visited their storefront, stated my disbelief and asked for their current prices and plans in paper so I could go to their competitor to compare prices. Manager put me back in to the same plan with same benefits and I did not need to back pay about $2000 that I missed.

    I do how ever get a letter every month now reminding me to pay my monthly premium :D

  • Something like up to 3 years gap is ok. Don't know about waiting periods

  • Normally you don't even need to call up. Just pay the amount they asked via whatever method they want, and it'll all work out. But the best way to be safe, just call. It'd be a common occurrence and you wouldn't need waiting periods.

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