I have a rental property in southern suburb for about 10 years, the house was built in early 70s. There are 3 big trees around my house in front and backyard. And there is a huge gumtree outside of my property in between my and neighbors house. I had my tenants complain only ONCE for clogged sewer lines about 6 years ago because of the roots, which was resolved as per their request.
Just recently, neighbour (same one sharing the council tree) contacted my real estate agent and verbally abused them to get all those 3 trees cut down as well as pay off her $600 plumbing expenses. Also she threatened she’s sick of paying plumbing expenses every year and if trees are not cut within 2 weeks of her call, she will take a legal notice. She claims she has to incur heavy plumbing expenses because of the trees on my property.
I have no idea about what should be done? How can the neighbor prove if it’s my trees causing issues to her, when my property has had no sewerage damage in last six years? I did contact council and it was of no help as they said, the neighbor has all the right to take it to court?!? Anyone has any suggestion? I am not in a state to get those 3 trees cut down as well as pay her $600.
If I was you, I would try to be reasonable to her. sometime people just snap because of their personal matters or middle-life crisis. Communicating with her VIA your agent of course.
If she insist on legal actions, there is her right because she could sue anyone for any matters. Whether she could win the case would be a different case.
If would be difficult that proving her plumbing issues have strong correlation with those trees in your property. If she win this case, no landlord with plants in their yard are safe.