does anyone know when ebay is doing another free listing day?
eBay (Free Listing Day)

Agree, it's the time to buy when those free listing times are on, not the time to sell.
I listed some fairly new release DVD's once during that promotion starting at 99c, seriously I may as well have given them away.
only free listing for classifieds
Not "only" classified
99c start auctions are free for 15 listings per month, if you are not a powerseller or store subscriber. If 15 is not enough, just start more IDs LOL
But of course, only casual sellers would generally consider that "free listings" are even slightest bit a good idea.
It may say free but it's only good if the item doesn't sell.
Cause the fees paid on those listings are higher at 7.9% (IIRC, it was definately 7.somthing percent) and turns out to be worse than the old 99c start listing fee of 30 cents.Yeah - free to list @ 99c and 7.9% final value - Compared to 30c to list and 5.25% final value… But now all under 99% are free, so you have to list at $1.00 and pay 50c then 5.25% final value
The free listing includes free Galery Pic (59c worth). If you include that in both to compare "evenly", then the "break even" point is a sale for about $30.
If the item sells for less than $41, the free listing is best. If it sells over $41, then you are better off paying 50c (+59c gallery) to listing it.
I was intending to make a spreadsheet and graph to show the maths. I should try using that new iPhone Graphing app I snagged the other day LOL
EDIT - I just made a graph - see post below
The free listings are crap, because the ebay commission is much higher when you sell your item. You're better off listing them at $1 and paying a bit more during listing.
ONLY if the item sells for more than $40 (or so). Under that, the Free Listing is cheaper in total.
Problem is, there is a VERY big chance that it'll only sell for 99c, so you will save HEAPS on Final Value Fees :-(
Not sure about that, but it depends on your selling style. I normally won't bother listing something for sale if I expect less than $40 for it.
I made a graph to see how the total Ebays Fees for various listing options compare……
So, the free listing at 99c start is cheaper under $41 (I thought it would be lower than that)
Should add in $0.99 start but with the old fees structure should work out that you're better off on the old one if it will sell for over $20 or something (can't remember exactly)
The way to get around to start having your 99c start auctions calculated on the old fees is to list the 15 per month 99c start auctions but sell something really stupid like a bag of air and have rediculous postage costs. (As long as that doesn't violate any eBay rules but AFAIK that doesn't)Ah you must be the guy who charged my friend $6 to "ship" the goods from the kitchen to the front door when he chose to pickup. LOL
lol serious? wow that's just rediculous. He was probably trying to cover his eBay fees.
It's your friend's decision to pick up, he didn't have to. If it was me I'd charge the $6 too since he wasn't asked to pickup.
No, this guy was dodgy. He wanted to charge more than $6 for posting it. My friend got him to agree to pickup. When my friend got there, he said there will be a "shipping" charge of $6. What could my friend do after driving all the way there. This wasn't a 99¢ purchase BTW, quite a bit more than that.
Good idea re: "unsaleable" listings to get rid of the 15 freebies.
I should update my chart, but the 99c on the old format would be pretty much the same as the $1 start line (blue and yellow) except 20c lower all the way across.
Thus a 99c start on a "paid" auction (with gallery) would be better if your selling price was about $35 or higher. Still quite high, so the freebies klistinsg are pretty good value for cheaper products.
The thing that makes me laugh is that people would risk a 99c sale by starting at 99c, instead of paying a few cents (well under $1) to start at a price they would be happy to accept.
Oh right that's where the $20 break even comes from. The free listing is only beneficial for those who want a gallery listing. If you don't then that's where the benefits of selling under the old fees are.
Other than that yeah the 99c feeless scheme is actually pretty good for those who have junk laying around.
They do them EVERY DAY now
a) Free listings for 99c start Auctions
b) Free listings for Classified With Best Offer (basically same as Buy Now with Best Offer)
I doubt very much that we'll see any more in the near future. Anyway, what are you considering selling that doesn't even deserve a 30c listing fee? LOL
The worst time to list was during those free listing promos - the site gets flooded, and sales prices dive. I know lots of sellers (incluing me) we DO NOT list anything when those promos are running.