Hello :)
We're a bit stuck for birthday ideas and was hoping someone could help. We have soon-to-be 12 year old twins ( a boy and a girl) and this is the first time they've requested separate parties. This is more due to peer pressure where it is seen as "not cool" to hang out with your sibling than them not getting along.
We also have a 3rd child who would like to attend both parties as he is the self-appointed candle-blower in the family. He will attend the parties in his spider-man costume which he has already insisted that I wash and iron for the big day!
Birthday-boy's interests are:
- soccer
- music ( he plays the guitar, piano, flute and harmonica)
- japanese culture and food
- building things with his dad.
- baking ( although he won't admit this to his friends. I get all the credit for the yummy things he's baked over the years.)
Of note, he's "allergic" to peas, especially of the minty variety and doesn't have a sweet tooth. He prefers cheese to chocolate.
Birthday-Girl's interests are:
- AFL ( the sport, which she plays, more than any allegiance to any actual team)
- dance ( gifted ballet dancer according to her dance teacher but she personally prefers hip-hop)
- cooking ( and is into veganism )
- pretty dresses and getting her hair done when she's in the mood . Otherwise will live in her brother's clothes.
- she loves bike rides with her dad.
- Favourite food is anything with paneer and minty peas in it.
Of note, she will gag if offered raw fish. She also doesn't get along with one of her brother's close mate, who told her that she was "too pretty to play footy". Perhaps a misjudged compliment of sorts but she ( and her friends!) took offence to it and don't want him anywhere near her party.
They are each allowed to invite 10 of their friends. No budget: just want everyone to have a good time (including JJB and I , if possible).
Our family tradition is that the birthday-person gets served pancakes in bed for breakie and everyone has to be extra nice to them on the day.
Any (good) ideas would be welcomed :)
Thank you.
I would find a venue that can run 2 parties back to back or at the same time - saving you a logistics headache
Something like bowling would be perfect - gender neutral , food is provided , perfect for the age and now they have laser tag added at some venues and you probably could haggle some sort of discount for the amount of people attending