I'm using commonwealth now but it is very annoying that I cannot make any notes on specific transactions so after a while I don't know what those are. it is very annoying to me
I'm considering to move to another bank because of this.
can NAB do this?
Is There a Banking App That You Can Make Notes on?
why not saving my time to download transactions and the thrid party app?
Never used it, but does pocketbook have the ability to add notes?
Yes, it does.
Are you a goldfish?
You can use something like PocketBook: https://getpocketbook.com/
The app will automatically download your transactions and you can add custom word tags to transactions.
If it doesn't exist on a bank app, you could try track my spend app and just add the transactions you want to add notes to? https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/tools-and-resources/calculator…
Macquarie's online banking allows you to add notes to transactions, as well as use hashtags to search by transaction (as an example, any interest payment is automatically tagged with '#tax'… however I don't recommend their savings account for your primary savings simply due to a pathetic interest rate). You can also add attachments (JPEG, PNG, Word or Excel formats) to transactions if you wanted to upload a receipt.
OP Macquarie can definitely do everything you want, I agree with jh89 not the best solution if you're looking for somewhere to park a lot of money in a savings account but they do have one of the best transaction accounts out there.
You are the only one with annoying requirement. Download the transactions as file then make your own notes on with a third party app.