A difference of 26.7% is quite high. Aren’t the fuel consumption labels always less than real world driving though?
Mitsubishi Successfully Sued for Misleading Fuel Consumption Label

Last edited 27/06/2019 - 23:25
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Careful what your dash / on board reads. The most accurate way is to fill, measure and re-fill and calculate yourself. I noticed about 15% difference between what the car system report as fuel usage and what the pump reported.
There can be lots of variables - location/driving location, temperature, quality of fuel, types and pressure, load, driving style etc.
In general though treat combined fuel outputs like speaker outputs… I am sure someone measured them in a lab at some point, but good luck getting that in real life.
How do you fill and measure it yourself? There's always some fuel in tank.
Always fill to the top. Record the number of kms you travelled between fills. Calculate the litres per 100km for each refill. The fuel you topped up with is close enough to the fuel you used for that many kms, but you need to average it because there is some variance. If you want to reduce the variance a bit always full at the same pump and stop on the second click auto cut off. There are apps that will help you calc your consumption, I use Road Trip Lite.
Huh.. My impreza gets 10-12L/100 in the city and is rated for 9.1. Its almost obscene. Should I be raising an issue?
Same, my Mazda is meant to be something like 7.6L/100 but I am currently sitting on exactly 10.0L. with an average speed of 32km/h.
7.6L/100km combined?
The published figure is to represent a particular amount and ratio of driving which you may be far away from. Or, you may have a lead foot.
That being said, NA Mazdas and Subarus (per guy above you) are not known for being good on fuel. Subaru is driving all 4 wheels too, not good in the city. You sitting at 10L/100km sounds about right to me if you're averaging 32km/h with a 2.5L engine in start/stop conditions.
Sounds like Mitsubishi thought they'd have an easy case and were underprepared. I think once it hits the supreme court it'll be a different outcome
If there isn't a different outcome and a precedence is set then at the end of the lease I'll pay out the residual on my Ranger, sue them for the significant difference in fuel usage and get the original purchase price back LOL. Way better than trade in value.
errr.. for some reason my 2010 Honda Accord Euro has a sticker that claims 8.9L/100 but i have been constantly averaging 8.1 for the last 6 months since I bought it. I hope Honda won't sue me :D
You must be in China by now since you've only been driving downhill for 6 months. :P
This may get overturned in a higher court.
I can get less than my Prius C rated sticker in the city. But never have I gotten to its high way rating
I think it's 3.7 in city. Depending on route I go between 4.5 and 2.9.
In the highway it's meant to be 3.9 but I can't go below 4.5
It would be interesting what would be considered ‘normal variation’ and to actually go and put that specific vehicle through the actual test to check if it is within normal variance. There is no way of knowing how the driver actually drives and wether he needs to lighten up on the pedals or if it actually is the vehicle.
It appears hey did test, but not in lab conditions. They note that the owner modified the vehicle, but not what modifications. Useless story really.
FWIW my ute is runnng around what the official figures are after 160k. I use an app to track fuel consumption and it is averaging a bit under the official figures.
My 2017 Tucson is rated for 7.xL/100km but I get anywhere from 6.x to 11.x depending on a lot of city driving or highway driving, and If I drive (cruise control) versus if my wife drives.
My 2017 hilux is rated at 7.7 or something stupid. You might get this is you're driving down a hill with your foot off the accelerator and in a vacuum. In reality I get between 11-12.5L/100km measured by calculating kms done vs liters of diesel used. I normally get around 500kms out of 60L which is when the empty light turns on, which is also stupid because it has an 80L tank.
Bannister Law have been in touch with me regarding class action regarding dodgy DPFs and poor fuel economy. At this point I give up and I'm going to buy a v8 cruiser next year when my lease is up as there's not much difference in fuel economy.
I use…
Fillup - Fuel log
by William D. KraemerIts free on Google Play
Very easy to use..
I thought they were always low. I just looked up my car which is rated at 7.1 and I get 7.6 (according to the display on the dash) so pretty happy with that. I guess now with cars having the consumption displayed on the dash, they are forced to make them as accurate as they can.