After I bought my Pixel 3a through JB HIFI, I took the screen packaging off and noticed a tiny scratch (about 3mm) underneath the glass. I brought it into the store and the staff claimed they were not able to see it. They sent it through to the authorised repairer and after almost 3 weeks they are sending it back saying that no fault could be found which is absolutely ridiculous! As a consumer I expect the new product to be in perfect condition and I am not satisfied with it. I want the phone to be replaced. What can I do about this?
New Pixel 3a Came with 3mm Scratch under The Screen Glass

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TDashcam image please.
What did the screen say when you asked it…
a tiny scratch (about 3mm)
I want the phone to be replaced.This isn't a major fault. The retailer may have the right to refuse to provide a replacement or a refund.
post a picture
Well turdblossom, I would contact Google directly
Photo of scratch? Also have you tried going straight to google instead of jb hifi? I've had JB give me the run around.
Contact Google, request Return Authorisation # and provide photos of said scratch and purchase details (receipt), return to JB with Return Authorisation # and email providing it, politely request new phone.
Have you ever tried this? Google has great customer support for products purchased directly from them, but they wont touch products purchased through telcos and other retailers.
I would not be so sure that Google will send you a new phone, from my experience when a fault is found they will send you a refurbished phone not a new one. Based on this case for such a minor fault, I would rather just keep the phone.
I'd just contact Google support directly through the phone Tips and Support in settings and ask Google to replace it. I did this with my Pixel 2 XL I purchased new off eBay for a dodgy USB-C port and they sent me out a refurbished (like new) Pixel 2 XL replacement
Did you buy it new or used on ebay? Guessing the phone was originally purchased on the google store?
Nope, I bought it new from Mobilciti eBay store and thought the return process with them would be too difficult so I contacted Google. Google Support tried to get me to go through the seller but I persevered and Google support eventually agreed to replace it. I had to send my faulty phone back first but the replacement phone came within a couple of days of me sending
For this case I would rather keep the phone rather than getting a refurbished ones. Its a very minor fault, and getting a refurbished phone might give you another problem.
Lawyer up!
any purchase protection insurance on your credit card?
Everyone who said contact Google customer support- you have answered correctly :) after posting this I found their support number, and a super helpful rep listened to my story and wasn't happy with the product experience JB had given me, so he agreed to replace it for me.
Are you getting a brand new one or refurbished?
Brand new. They currently don't refurbish since it's still a new product.
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