Hello ,you guys here, can anybody tell me that how could I know deals I post are good enough for the ozbargain's people? You answer will be highly appreciated. Thanks…
Excuse me, How could I know that the deals I post are good enough?

I am so sorry about that. I will do it better from now on, I promise. Not any bad deal next time.
By the way, I also want to know what you guys would consider when buy fashion jewelry, the price or the style or design? I would prepare some good jewelry bargains for you who love fashion. Please, forgive me my previous faults.
Sincerely Yours
EvelynThis is only my opinion, and other people may thing differently…
Generally, to succeed here you would need to be offering name brand jewellery. That allows price comparison, which is basically what this website is all about.
This isn't generally a place for advertising - it is a place where the best price for a particular object is posted. The comparisons are fair, but OzBargain members will search worldwide to compare then vote on the submission.
For example, if somebody came and posted about a Hello Kitty cover for an iPhone… if the members here could not find a better price, then they would vote Positive. But if they checked DealExtreme or FocalPrice or Kaidomain or other chinese websites and found the same Hello Kitty cover at a lower price, then the members here would vote Negative.
So, for the 5% discount coupon, people here did not consider this was enough discount to make it worthwhile to risk purchase from an unknown website. And there was no "special deal" on products either.
For the skull ring, I think that people didn't like the appearance. That deal did not get negative votes, however.
It is very kind of you to say so. Thanks very much. Thanks for your helpful comment.
Look at older Ozbargain deals for your category ie jewellery you will find either good or bad bargains, find one with good feedback.
Also above 10% off for well known retailers, above 20% for known retailers, above 30% off for new/unkown is about right
30% off for new/knonwn is about right…
only helpful if the discount is a real discount and not an inflated price and then 30% off.
Good point about the inflated price etc
Try throwing a freebie, I think we all will be cheering you with +ve votes :)
Why you guys not like free shipping + 60% off bargain? I really confuse.. why… this also not a good deal… OK,
I guess the problem is it's very hard to justify the real cost of what your stock is. We can see you work very hard to "promote" the bargain. Please do not take the -ve vote as offensive towards you or your company. There are a lot of other vendors who did bad spamming here and sometime people are a bit harsh around here. I guess you may want to link your post with similar product from other site or ebay to tell our community the price is legi. Again just keep in mind this is a bargain site, not a "sales" site.. Good luck :-)
I think llama said it best with:
"Generally, to succeed here you would need to be offering name brand jewellery. That allows price comparison, which is basically what this website is all about."
Personally, I find it hard to consider your offer a genuine bargain or anything beyond advertising.
60% off your original price doesnt mean much if your original price was silly to begin with.
I compare the total cost to what Ive seen in local stores or online stores like Dealextreme, taking into consideration the brand (if any), quality and what materials are used. If its just cheap silver jewelery -DX/ebay/Diva, genuine sterling silver/gold etc- well known stores like Shiels etc. Perhaps you should do some more research first on what competitors are offering.
I wouldnt mind seeing jewelery post here as Im interested in them and I assume other people (mostly lady's) here are too.
But yeah, hope that helps. Theres my 2c.
Firstly…. are you even located in Australia? People here aren't stupid. I could say.. .hey… free shipping… and 90% of on this keychain worth $200. Do you think $20 will be justified? no.
Keep trying marketing is very hard. If you are looking for a demographic that is not thrifty and is willing to spend money on jewellery that is for indulgence… ozbargain is not the place.
For the first one, shipping kills the deal. Makes no sense to pay 6 bucks postage to get a ring that's worth 1.60. If I was to buy a ring for that price I'd go down to my local dollar and sense and pick up 5 of them for 6 bucks.
Your second deal, 5 dollars off 100. I don't know about you but, you really think it's a bargain? If you can't offer any deals that are better, I'm afraid ozbargain isn't for you. Or maybe you've already found that out.
Most of the really popular deals are things that companies might be LOSING money on, eg. the optus mytab, the 40 dollar wireless dongle, 70 bucks flight across the country, laptops selling at cost price etc. Ozbargain really isn't a site to make money on. Good for a bit of initial marketing perhaps if you are willing to lose a few dollars to get your name out there, but not really a sustainable business generator.
Doesn't matter now. Someone spotted a sockpuppet on OP's deal posting, so penalty box they went…
are u located in sydney? go to pitt st mall, and wait in front of Diva shop, they are selling everything for less than $5. then you count how many people go in their store for 1 day, then just do small math, you might open similar shop and more successful than you sell this item online.
learned a lot from here. Thanks!
You are getting no vote and -5 votes from your previous 2 deals. So you know that your deals are NO GOOD.
Go and read the comments if you are looking for feedbacks. Otherwise stop spamming us :)