This was posted 5 years 8 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[QLD] Free Fitness Monitor ($200 Value) for Type 2 Diabetics Who Participate in Study @ University of Queensland, St Lucia


Are you:

  • Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?
  • Over 20 years old?
  • Doing less than 150 minutes per week of structured exercise?
  • A smartphone user?

The University of Queensland is currently running a free program for people with type 2 diabetes. The program looks at whether a physical activity intelligence (PAI) program helps people with type 2 keep to exercise targets over a 12-week period.

They will be required to attend the St Lucia campus in Brisbane for the sessions.

Participants in the study will be given a free fitness monitoring device valued at about $200.

DISCLAIMER: Don't try and claim it if you don't meet the criteria. It requires an in-person visit to the St Lucia campus and it would be obvious to the researchers if you don't have type 2 diabetes when they start asking questions about your medical history and treatment. Also, you would be sabotaging important research.

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University of Queensland
University of Queensland

closed Comments

  • +5

    Damn, don't have Diabetes. Missed out.

  • I did one of these things before, not for diabetes though it was for back pain, did the whole thing. They claimed I had never posted back the monitor that was recording body movement so I wasn’t entitled to my incentive. I did it for three months for nothing. Jipped.

  • Gumtree user: I have diabetes, can I get the fitness monitor and just not turn up for the appointments?

    Also… Is it still available, I can pick up now

  • +2

    Decided not to post this health study months ago, for a number of reasons.
    I know a fair amount about this study, but not associated. One of those involved is an Ozbargainer.

    As this is a scientific study to hopefully improve health outcomes for Type 2 diabetics - the idea of Ozbargaining a research study is very worrying!! That is signing up but not participating as required. That would be a waste of the researchers time & budget, public money (your taxes) & importantly may invalidate the results - resulting in a poorer health outcome for those meant to benefit from this study.

    If you are diabetic & member of Diabetes QLD, the newsletter months ago encouraged you to participate. Good on you if you do👍

    The device…
    The device produces a proprietary PAI index of exercise (PAI is a new physical activity measure based on strong scientific evidence) - which may not be much use to us.

    The $200 price is highly inflated.
    Reviews say this SLICE watch has serious problems registering data. I was told by an Ozbargainer, this sells for as low as us$30 & is no longer manufactured! (Needs verification.)

    Only half the group will receive the device during the study while exercising, the control group receive at end.

    I wouldn't sign up just for the device at the end of the long study! It involves so much effort for a cheap device that may never be used😱

    As for the study…
    It studies you exercising for 12 long weeks, following a program!!😱
    And most Type 2 Diabetics aren't necessarily the exercising type - hence the study into use of an exercise tracking device to see if it promotes exercise.

    Involves many sessions on site at St Lucia.
    No alcohol, tea, coffee or stimulants or vigorous exercise for 24 hours before testing😱

    Session 1 is around 7am for 2.5 hours with many blood samples taken for glucose levels etc. Fasting is required for 12 hours before the test.
    So, if you're not diabetic - bye.

    Then a chunky ugly old pedometer is to be worn for a week, with activities recorded on a sheet.

    Next session is under supervision of a Dr - exercise until you almost drop stress test & DEXA (x-ray) of bone density. In preparation for that a 2 day food diary must be kept. The same food must be eaten before the repeat of this test.

    Then there's the 12 week exercise program.

    After which the above test sessions are repeated.

    I'm tired just writing about the program.

    But worth participating if you are Type 2 Diabetic & want to further research into how to get Diabetics more active & improve their health. The device will likely be of little use.

  • -4

    The University Of Queensland's search engine has never heard of ​PAI for Diabetes…I think it may be a site trying to gain Personal Details for nefarious reasons…It is a $2 looking website with a copyright of © 2023…Good Luck…

    • +1

      The UQ study is a legitimate study.
      [email protected] is the contact for the study.
      Research studies spend their money on research not websites.
      The study has been promoted by Diabetes QLD.
      Conducted in the Human Movement building at University of Queensland.

      • Agree. Study is legitimate. Scientific researchers creating websites <> good.

    • You are so wrong! Bad Rsole😉
      Back to your conspiracy theories😱

      The full title of the study:
      Feasibility, Acceptability and Efficacy of the Physical Activity Intelligence (PAI) e-Health Program in Type 2 Diabetes: The EXHALE Pilot project otherwise known as the "PAI for Diabetes" study.
      It would overwhelm the participants, the simple website & it's address, & be a very long email address otherwise😉

      Principal investigator: Professor Jeff Coombes
      School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
      The University of Queensland

      The website is simply the promoted contact point for potential subjects for the study - within the diabetic community. Not as an attractive public site. It does its job, at very minimal cost.
      You are then contacted by phone.

      • -1

        Why keep going on about it Infidel? I only expressed my concerns and although I meet all of the criteria for the study, I would never give all of my personal details to a website that looks like that. I never told anyone that not to sign up, just that I felt it looked a bit sus and if you do sign up Good Luck…

        • +1

          I supplied the official study name & professor in charge, & showed the site has a UQ email address for contact.
          That was in response to your claim The University Of Queensland's search engine has never heard of ​PAI for Diabetes. People reading your claim could assume the study is not legitimate.

          That's not going on about it but provided the proof it is a legitimate University of Queensland research study. (I have a copy of the UQ Ethics Clearance for this research, on official letterhead.)

          Calling the study into question (trying to gain Personal Details for nefarious reasons) is a serious matter, based only on your supposition about a simple site meant for people already contacted about the study.

          There are alternative ways to contact the research team, if you don't want to use the site. The phone & email contacts are provided. That was also supplied in the Diabetes Qld call for participants.

          If you do qualify as you say, you can receive the Diabetes Qld newsletter - containing useful information & offers like this.

          Your comment was way more than "I only expressed my concerns"!
          You were wrong. So I called you on that. But I tempered my criticism with emoticons. We all make mistakes or have bad days - I certainly do😉

          I had posted detailed information of the study at the same time you posted your incorrect comment.
          You could have corrected your mistake.

          I have experience designing research for university studies, so know how long & hard it can be to put up a study. And how quickly an unfounded comment can bring it into disrepute.
          That was a reason I did not post this months ago😱

  • Diabetes QLD promotion of this research as shown in Deal Description

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