This was posted 5 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBay Plus] DJI Mavic Pro Platinum Flying Camera Drone + ND Filters Set $999.60 Delivered @ DJI Premium Authorised Store eBay


The Drone and the filters together for $999.60 with ebay plus code, cheapest i have seen it anywhere

Original 15% off Plus Items on eBay Deal Post

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closed Comments

    • +14

      And your point?

    • you serious?

      • +5

        Yeah what you've linked is a 'quadcopter' and is very different to a drone. A drone will typically have some software/AI driving it, while a quadcopter is just a fancy RC helicopter.

    • +3

      Looks like a piece of junk and based on my experience with quadcopters and this simple calculator you won't get more than 7 mins Good Luck

  • Great Price. Recommend getting the extra battery as well with it, which will be 15% 0ff from the same store.

  • +1

    Wish I had that money to spare, great drone

  • Fimi X8 isnt too bad if you want something cheaper.

    • +4

      Or we earn more than the median income… Pretty simple

      • -1

        Yes but only about 25% are above the $80k p/a, or there about.
        And the top 4% are not much above $100K earners. So I read.

        So it beats me where the masses of people get extra money for iphones, teslas, o'seas holidays, and the rest.

        When we appear to be 95% lowish income earners, in a high cost of living country.

        • Nevermind…

          Just assume I make my money doing nefarious things

    • +2


      Kmart is my friend… and of course OzBargain for the occasion deal splurge

    • Quit trolling. Mind your own business. You’re on Ozbargain.

      • I'm not trolling overly sensitive one.

    • With a median Aus income of $52,988 a year

      Where does this figure come from?

      • It includes all employed Australian workers, incl. parttime.…

        (…median pay to $1019 a week ($52,988 a year)"

        See about 1/2 way down page.

        • So your $50k average is nett. From the same article

          To put this into perspective, the average weekly wage for an adult in Australia working full-time as of November 2017 (before tax) was $1567.90.

          This would put the gross annual average at $81,530.80 in 2017. Both figures are valid but generally pre tax numbers are used.

          • @OzBragain: Hi OzBragain, your figure doesn't include parttime workers, so back to ~$53k income pre-tax. Or am I incorrect.

            • @[Deactivated]: You're not incorrect, I just think your number is misleading.

              The average full-time salary is $85,982 (includes OT and bonuses) source:

              What percentage of the work force is PT.. 25%? If 25% can skew the $85,982 down to $52,988 it's probably not a good number to use.

              • @NuclearWessels: RE the 85K vs 52K - without reading the article, I see one person is referencing median, then the other average, so if that wasn't a typo, it's more than just PT vs FT in this equation as there is a big difference between average and median. Average will be heavily influenced by those with huge incomes.

                • @Dan83: Yeh you're completely correct, but I was more getting at username02's comment throwing the median around like it was a proper indicator of what a typical Australian has to spend. It's not a good number because the PT/FT median is heavily skewed by a 25-30% PT workforce which includes stay-at-home parents, students, transitioning retirees etc. It's not a fair number to use in affordability- combined household income etc would be better.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              Or am I incorrect.

              If you want to include part time because it fits your argument then go for it

              • +1

                @OzBragain: I DID include part-time figures in the original comment!
                Consequently, the exact figure $52,988 direct from the article was quoted. IE: "With a median Aus income of $52,988 a year,"

                Why would part-time workers NOT count in employment statistics? They are equally relevant to Australia's median income stats, as they are in fact approx 1/3 of all workers in Oz.

                See:[email protected]/mf/6202.0

                They work, they pay tax, they buy stuff, they eat … they are real. They live off a lower income base.

                Oh well, I feel like lisa simpson now.

                • @[Deactivated]: Digressions aside, part time workers are unlikely to consider buying $999 drones. Engineers on $150-200k could fairly easily. Some people on here spend that much on a vacuum cleaner. Some triple that on a TV. It depends on individuals choices. There's been many posts with lots claiming salaries $120k++.

    • i am not 22 years old

      • +2

        I am, been that way for 30 years.

    • Define 'useless toys' though. Some people might use the drone for a photography business. I used to own a phantom 4 standard which we used for aerial surveillance of our property etc.

      Not everyone on ozbargain is rich or spends all there time buying useless stuff. I find it a great resource to check on when shopping for things I need.

  • Code expired. Back up to $1599

    I'm trying to tell myself I didn't really want one anyway….

  • That was a great price. I got the Mavic Pro in the $800 deal a few months ago. Worth every cent. These things are so capable it isn't funny. I have been in RC for 20+ years and this is the most expensive (only just as my electric converted 1/5 Baja was close) and best RC purchase so far. The video footage from these while flying look like a still photo they are that stable and that high res. 15 years ago an entry level electric helicopter, which was pretty useless, was $300 and the average wage was less than half what it is now.

    • Never saw that 800 deal. But this platinum had quieter motors and different props.
      I was still too slow…

      • You can buy the quiet props for the regular mavic too. I would say the MPP is marginally quieter, nothing groundbreaking, certainly not $200 worth.

      • Yeah they are quieter props not motors, which you can use on the Pro. The platinum also has slightly more efficient ESC's giving a minute or so of extra flight time. For me the extra wouldn't be worth it, but both are great deals. I am sure there will be more great deals on these older models until they stop making/selling them.

  • +1

    After going back up to 1599
    It's now down again to 1199, and then to 1079 with the 10% PRETZEL code.
    Not as good as 999 here obviously, but still good price.

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