Heart Rate Monitors - Wrist/Watch Type

Looking at getting a watch/wrist type HR monitor (one that's preferably under $200) to keep track of tachycardia during the day and night. I'm not very active due to chronic illness so it's just for monitoring ordinary everyday activity, mostly when sitting down. Also I have problems finding watches that fit since my wrist is approx 15cm circumference.

What HR monitor would you recommend? I’ve been looking at the Garmin Vivosmart 4 and FitBit Inspire HR. Also just saw Xiaomi Mi Band 3 which looks like a bargain but not sure how good it is. Has anyone tried these?

Thanks in advance!


  • Fitbit's stuff is junk, will fall to pieces within 12 months. Garmin is better but I'd still recommend a model with replaceable watch-type band if you want it to last.

  • Out of curiosity once you buy this device and track your heart rate how will this data help you improve your health?

    I have also recently considered buying something to track my heart rate (I have a low resting heart rate at times) but decided it was a waste of money as I wouldn’t do anything with the data.

    • How low do you get, in the 40s?

      You'll see your resting HR climb when you get stressed, sick.

      It's also useful to see yearly trends which tracks improvement in fitness and also monthly variations (e.g. due to colds/flus, hayfever).

      My FR235 has max HR as well which is useful.

      • I recently wore a holter monitor for 24 hours - the lowest my heart rate went was 32 beats per minute when I was sleeping. Average rate was 54 bpm however

        • Mine's got to 30 the other day; it might have gotten lower previously but I did pay attention. But yes, average is around 54 too.

    • +1

      I have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) and ME/CFS and plan to use it to:
      - see what my HR does when I take certain medication
      - see what my HR does at night, especially because I have a sleep disorder
      - monitor my HR to know if I’m doing too much - may need to rest or lie down if its too fast
      Not using it to increase activity. I tend to overdo things when I’m feeling ok so it’s for pacing and letting me know I’m overexerting myself.

      • +1

        Ditto for conditions. Ditto looking for band/tracker for exactly the same reasons. Currently waiting on good deal on Mi Band 4 (just released this week; I missed the one good deal so far), as it’s so much cheaper than other bands.
        By the way, do you know at what HR you will stop your current activity? Are you aware of a magic formula? PM me if you like (yours doesn’t appear to be ‘on’)

      • Has your doctor given you any idea what causes all of these issues? All my quick google tells me is that you should increase your salt intake but I’m sure you know that already!

        • Yes I have to use more salt, the opposite of healthy people! Also drink electrolytes when doing activities. I'm on Fludrocortisone which increases blood pressure and retention of salt.

          They don't know what causes it but there are theories it is either autoimmune or genetic. Either way it somehow affects the autonomic nervous system.

  • +1

    not sure how good it is

    Read DC Rainmaker's reviews.

    • Thanks for the suggestion. Found Garmin and FitBit reviews, don't think he has reviews of Xiaomi.

  • -1

    If you don’t have heart disease, you don’t need to monitor heartbeat.

    • +2

      Don’t think you understand POTS & ME/CFS then

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