Hi guys! We need to install a split system/reverse cycle heating in my mum's bedroom. Since i dont know anything about them I thought I would ask the here :) Can anyone kindly recommend a good brand or model? Ideally with a good energy rating as well. Thanks heaps everyone :)
Help Me Find A Good Split System/Reverse Cycle Unit

Mitsu Heavy Industries. Bunnings used to have them at a good price. Install around $5-600.
Kelvinator has a cash back promo running at the moment too
I installed a 7kw Kelvinator last year and i love it. Its one of the cheaper brands too. Better than Fujitsu's i have some experience with. Only think the fan blades swing up-down only and not side-side but it doesn't really matter for me.
how much did you pay for install?
Kelvinators are one of the worst in noise, quality, efficiency.
OP Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, hard to go wrong. Pick the cheapest but make sure it's a brand your preferred installer is familiar with.
Panasonic are good, as are Mitsubishis
If it's just for a room probably only need a little 2.5kwMitsubishi heavy industries. Get it installed by somebody reputable so you get the 5 year warranty. You are welcome.
Mitsubishi heavy industries by far for the price. Bunnings have them at a good price then if you know someone that has a power pass card you can get it even cheaper, don’t go for a normal Mitsubishi unit, make sure it’s a heavy industries.
Thank you to all the marvellous people who responded..you guys rock and have helped me tremendously!
Mits Heavy Industries 2.5Kw $100 cashback