I just saw that the Barefoot Investor was on sale and thought I might have a look for this book too.
I read this before being told about Scott Pape and it really helped me out when I was trying to get my finances in order.
Although some of the retirement fund advice is a US based, with the free international shipping its definitely worth a look.
[Prime] I Will Teach You to Be Rich (Second Edition) - Rammit Sethi $15.51 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU

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but you made the author richer..
Please tell me that will be the conclusion of this book..
Rules to becoming richer (apart from doing things… like work)
1. (Only) Spend money on things that make you money.
2. That was it. Maybe sell drugs. But don't. Drugs are bad.M'kay?
(Feel free to give me that $15.51. I just saved you that money plus time reading).
Rules to becoming richer (apart from doing things… like work)
1. Stop finding deals on ozbargain!!!3) Write a book on how to get rich.
The answer?
Tell the reader to see #3.
I'm slowly working through this, even though it is very specific to the US. The ideas of using credit cards to your advantage is something that OzB people do anyways, so I'd be keen to just hear everyone's advice from here instead haha. I'll check out the forums soon enough. I'm bouncing between this and barefoot. They both kind of cover the same things, but both have different opinions
This is helpful. Could you give an example of a difference in opinion? Thanks in advance
That isn't getting rich. That's just saving money.
When someone writes a book with a title like this, my skepticism alarm explodes.
Pay $15 to get rich. Must be the best bargain ever.
I'll teach you how to be rich… by taking advantage of your primal instinct of doing things easy and making a quick buck selling books with anecdotal situations that do not even consider the limitation of different beings and their luck…
And be rich instead. And if you're not rich like me, well you aren't doing it right. Try again.
Rinse, repeat.Step 2 - use money to buy in developing areas.
Step 3 - Hedge your risks by ensuring you also buy into other potential areas of growth thereby ensuring at least one payoff more than enough to cover the losses of the other.
Step 3 - Time to take a step back and reconsolidate….
Wait… I forgot step 1.
Step 1 - win the lotto.
Belongs in Forums.
Why is this a deal?
Regular price on Amazon.
Second edition?
What did they correct from the first?
Much more richosity was added.
Step 1 - Publish a book about getting rich.
If you keep coming back to this web site, you're probably never going to get rich. Wrong audience.
I listened to the author of this book on a podcast with Tim Ferriss recently. He had a few interesting perspectives, but I think a lot of his tips are fairly UScentric, and others seemed like nice ideas but probably only possible if you already are already somewhat rich. He also has very traditional views on marriage (half the podcast was about prenup agreements!) which I found very uninteresting. Anyway would recommend listening to that before becoming a little less rich buying the book.
Thanks. Now I am feeling like 15.51 poorer.😉