Quality protein - aware there are cheaper ones out there. Pursue at your own cost.
48 hours only.
Quality protein - aware there are cheaper ones out there. Pursue at your own cost.
48 hours only.
$20 for referrer and referee.
From what I've read, a large portion of the protein in the world comes from nz. So saying it's from nz doesnt matter much.
WPI 3kg - $127, think i'll pass, even if you account for an extra 15% off.
Recently bought 'Vital Strength' Ripped from ChemistWarehouse for 3KG $69 !!!!
3KG WPC for $113.90, no thanks. There are proteins cheaper(Google them, even Aussie made) than this and are gold standard, so I am going to give this a miss.
any recommendations as to what is considered as gold standard (aussie made)?
The ones that come to mind are Bulknutrients and Uportein. I found them to be good. Uprotein WPI's are hydrolysed too. I would suggest do your own research as well, what works for me might not work for you :)
Thanks Op!
How would premium NZ protein compare to American ones (like Optimum nutrition)? but 3KG WPI for $127+free shipping is reasonably priced.