Opinions on grey import goods?

Hi everyone,
I have a contact who has brought up the opportunity of selling grey import goods from known brands online.

Not just electronics, but some clothing/shoes and more. The end prices seem to be really unbeatable with the suggested business model (group daily fire-sale style), though I am not sure on public opinion/acceptance.

Just trying to get your views on grey import goods.

  • Do you prefer not to buy?
  • Is it just grey market electronics you don't like?
  • Are you fine with any, depending on price?

Personally I am ok with buying grey goods myself, though the main issue for me is trusting that I will get warranty help from either the importer/seller or the brand itself.

Thank you for any opinions!


  • i'm fine with it

    as far as i'm concerned the local retailers and distributors aren't doing enough to justify their cut

    why would i buy a Canon camera for $1,000 with only a 1yr warranty when I can get the same camera for $700 with 2yrs local warranty?

    i know locals have more costs… i really don't care and neither does the public

    if you want to charge more, give more

  • I'm good with it also providing the goods are supported by a local warranty, and are not an inferior product. i.e. imported washing powder

  • Grey imports, or fakes? Lots of people pushing fakes as "imports", so be very careful.

    • Definitely not fakes, that is just plainly illegal. I agree a lot of care has to be taken on authenticity for both legal reasons and the fact it would totally ruin the image of the business.

  • yeah im fine as long as i feel its from a trustworthy source, i wont get ripped off, i have some sort of protection such as paypal and get local warranty

  • +1

    I also would like local contact details in the event something goes wrong or I need customer service. No cut and paste replies to my queries, if emailing.

  • I don't have any problems with grey imports as long as the quality isn't that far off from the ones sold locally.

    Another question you need to consider is if these grey/parallel (and possibly fake) imports will pass the customs test.

    • If they are grey imports, this means 100% authentic and so quality should always be 100% of what the locally sourced version is (fake can't be classed as a grey import as they don't have a real sales channel anyway). I know customs doesn't ever seem to give trouble to people importing grey digital cameras, though need to research more into their policies on other goods (phones/other consumer electronics).

  • Thank you all for your replies. I have been in international sourcing and trade for a little while and there are a lot of opportunities it seems to secure authentic branded stock which is overpriced here. I come across fakes for some brands, though verifying if goods are authentic is usually quite simple after talking with the potential supplier a bit. This would never be a problem with proper due diligence on suppliers.

    I am going to look at the possibility a little more, it seems there is a pretty big appetite for a better deal online these days. Group buying seems like it is becoming very popular so my partner and I may be able to bring some deals others cannot. Will see what happens!

    Thanks again for the opinions

  • i have no problem with imports seeing as some items a warranty is not required if authentic (eg shoes, clothes etc. you can try on and if its authentic the sizing and quality should be the same regardless of where you buy it from. correct me if i'm wrong)
    eg i'm looking at a pair of shoes here for $160 but from online sites overseas we can get the same pair for $90 +postage

    electronics or things that require a warranty (especially expensive things) i would prefer to buy local from a shop knowing i can speak face to face with someone if something was to go wrong with it.

    • Yeah there are some big price differences on shoes which opens that up for the grey market.

      I understand what you mean about having someone face to face to speak to with problems. If we went ahead, it would probably not be feasible to have a location open for the public (due to selling Aust-wide) though we would have to incorporate live chat etc to get problems sorted quickly.

      It is good to see people seem pretty positive on grey market goods. Still have a lot of research to do on exactly the laws for importing grey electronics even when customs don't police it much (A-tick/C-tick).


      • Just because customs don't police it you bring something in and onsell and it is not a-c tick approved and someine dies then you are liable.

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