Hi everyone,
I have a contact who has brought up the opportunity of selling grey import goods from known brands online.
Not just electronics, but some clothing/shoes and more. The end prices seem to be really unbeatable with the suggested business model (group daily fire-sale style), though I am not sure on public opinion/acceptance.
Just trying to get your views on grey import goods.
- Do you prefer not to buy?
- Is it just grey market electronics you don't like?
- Are you fine with any, depending on price?
Personally I am ok with buying grey goods myself, though the main issue for me is trusting that I will get warranty help from either the importer/seller or the brand itself.
Thank you for any opinions!
i'm fine with it
as far as i'm concerned the local retailers and distributors aren't doing enough to justify their cut
why would i buy a Canon camera for $1,000 with only a 1yr warranty when I can get the same camera for $700 with 2yrs local warranty?
i know locals have more costs… i really don't care and neither does the public
if you want to charge more, give more