Hi all,
Wondering if you guys have any advice on the following.
My old Nitecore EA4 just died last night and I am looking for a replacement 4xAA torch (yes I have a lot of Eneloops I want to use).
I have bought others in the past like the Sunwayman D40A and the NiteCore EA45S all found through Ozbargain and all within the $50 - $60 range.
But all these are now in the $120 range, maybe it's because manufacturers are moving away from AA's and onto 18650's or equivalent.
Does anyone know where is the best place to find a replacement 4x AA torch for a 'similar' price? I don't expect you to find me the deal but perhaps good reliable sellers or other discussion forums that regularly discuss torches and their best offers?
Help appreciated.
i have a thrunite TN4a 1150 lumens that takes 4x AA