Basically what it says in the title. Telstra's done a massive increase in data on most of their home bundle plans.
2Gb => 5Gb - $78 (Homeline Basic)
25Gb => 100Gb - $98 (Homeline Ultimate)
100Gb => 200Gb - $88 (Homeline Basic) - $128 (Homeline Ultimate)
200Gb => 500Gb - $148 (Homeline Ultimate)
[Prices after Telstra T-Box Deselected]
Seems like they're actually picking up compared to other ISPs, especially considering all the unmetered content. Great news for me since I was already planning to switch over to one of these in the next few weeks :)
Not sure if this belongs in forums, mods please move if it needs to be.
"Make it so" .. "I am currently paying $60 all-up for my phone and internet, and getting 20GB/month"
You are very fortunate… thanks to IT dumb politicians and the people who vote for them a big proportion of this country does not have access to ADSL2 through alternative providers and thus the value of the packages you have access to.
There are many who cannot even get ADSL1 even in highly populated areas. We are all envious of you :-) :-)
Because of this we are blackmailed / held at ransom /trapped into using the $Tel$tra$ system!
In this situation those of us that are "forced" to use Telstra may find some value in this offer. It does not excite me though, they could do a heap better for us stuck on old ADSL1 on a rim.
It is good to see T$ making a little effort to make better pricing and one day they may be down near some of the oppositon. (dream)
Even better … in 20 - 30 years the NBN might come our way? .. but we wont need it then.. :-(