Hi all,
I received a parking fine last Friday for going over my time limit. On the fine itself it has listed my car's correct rego however under make it lists "MAZDA" while my car is Honda.
Do I have any hope in appealing based on this mistake on the fine itself?
Parking Fine with Wrong Make

Maybe you could report your number plates as stolen, and pay for replacements, to enable you to claim it wasn't your car parked there, and maybe avoid the fine.
Or you could just pay the fine.
Wow, that could actually work.
It'd be a shame if OP went to all that trouble, only to have the court produce photographic evidence.
Was it a mistake or had you gone over the time limit?
This isn't a criminal court case at the supreme court. Just pay the fine man.
the IQ of the inspector is irrelevant to the offence. Pay it and next time set your timer!
You can appeal. They will correct the mistake and reissue you the fine. Best case is you get slightly longer to pay it :)
That’s my guess too. They receive your appeal, check photo evidence and find the officer has chosen the wrong make and the council re-issue with correct details.
Also, check your rego details online, it is possible the database has an error too.
Here's what usually happens.
You notify them of the mistake on the fine.
They'll send you a letter withdrawing it.
Next week you'll receive a new reissued fine with the correct make on it.Just pay the fine.
So do it.
If nothing else you get to pay later which is a small win and they may not have evidence and elect to drop it.
They'll have evidence. Photo or video is all they need. They all do it.
Why the neg for this answer?
@DazMon: Diji1 probably negged me for replying to his negged post thinking it was me. I didn't neg him.
@Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Fair enough.
Sometimes I don't understand this place.
They will have evidence, the parking inspectors have been doing that for a long time.
It's funny someone think the offence of illegal parking can be easily invalidated by 'Mazda'.
I remember there used to be this myth that if you overpaid your speeding fine (so instead of paying $100, you pay $101) that whoever issued you the fine would send you a cheque with the extra amount AND if you never cash that cheque in, you wouldn't lose your demerit points
Not that much of a myth, it used to be that the points WERE only deducted when you paid the fine (as an admission of guilt and no challenge), and were effective then, not when the fine was issued. You were given multiple warnings also. While on my 'P' plates I accumulated enough points to lose my licence but the final tipping fine I did not pay. 8 months later after letters and late fees I paid after my points for a previous fine were given back and I did not lose my licence.
Give it a try and report back, just not with a new thread "lost appeal for parking fine and now have to pay costs. Can i challenge this?"
Please tell me you're the guy that had the "moral dilemma" about parking the whole day in a 2 hour spot?
This is a curly one, challenge the fine and it may get corrected by admin. Level two challenge eg. someone with elevated authority and it may get thrown out as it is incorrect.
Not sure about other states, but in NSW they take photographic proof of your parking offense.
The photos will show your license number plate clearly and your fine will be judged on that.
Good luck if you try to appeal it though.Melbourne CBD they video the entire occurance, have pressure plate records along with GPS stamp to match.
So if the parking limit is 4 hours they surely are not filming for the whole 4 hours? Or do they film the beginning of "marking" the vehicle and film when they come back 4 hours later?
The later.
But it's Melbourne CBD. You're under CCTV anyways.
Are you sure you're not driving a Mazda?
Who issued the fine? On the Gold Coast where I am, the Council has local laws and policies dictating their parking fines, you can view all these on the website. I imagine it differs by Council, but we have a rule that any error on the ticket (including make) is grounds for the fine to be withdrawn (but they may reissue it correctly). We also have a one off 'i f*#ked up' clause that lets you off if, for instance, your ticket blew off the dash.
Check the website of the issuer, should find your answer.
Could you provide a link to that rule?
Not sure if the missing ticket rule is still there since we went to numbered bays though.
…which section confirms what you just stated above?
Pity there was not a Mazda parked nearby - you could have just stuck the ticket on that car.
Then the owner would be on OZB saying they got a parking ticket with wrong rego number and should they dispute the ticket.You got a ticket and you're thinking of appealing on the grounds of a clerical error.
Good luck. They'd fix the clerical error and you'd still be up for a fine because that's the reason for the fine in the first place.
Probably yhea nhaa just don't pay it what could possibly go wrong. If they ride you about it just say if the idiot can't read Honda how do we know he can read the time.
I’m going back many years and in those days there were plenty of cases where errors on a ticket I.e. incorrect street name would result in the ticket getting thrown out of court. Not sure what happens these days with errors, but the fact that photographic evidence exists may result in reissue. Personally, if you don’t get it right first time doesn’t give you the right to correct and reissue. Perhaps there is someone on the forum with previous experience of such. My recommendation would be to object as the ticket is invalid.
I was parked in Melb CBD and received a ticket that said "White Holden Rodeo" and I drove a white Toyota Aurion. Completely different types of vehicles (ute v's sedan). Asked for it to be reviewed and dismissed based on the completely wrong vehicle (I didn't tell them what car I did own). They reviewed it, alright. Re-issued a ticket with the right details based on a review of "photographic evidence". This was about 10 years ago, so I cant recall if it was the same ticket, or a withdraw of the original and a issue of a completely new ticket.
I would say quite possibly Yes…
I did the same, overstayed after a night out and I left the car to pick it up the next day. Came back to a ticket.
I queried the ticket as the car rego was right, but the description was wrong.They said write in a dispute and as the description was wrong I would win it as the evidence is incorrect.
I felt like the guy on the other end of the phone sounded (tone of voice) like he knew the ticket was correctly given,
but as the info on the ticket was wrong, they would reverse it, which they did.I had this happen to me about 8 or 9 years ago. Got a fine to say my silver Mercedes was parked illegally in Darlinghurst. It was my rego number but I owned only a blue Commodore at the time and I wrote them a letter to say that wasn't my car and I was nowhere near the area and they had made a mistake.
That was the last I heard about it.
The Rego is the defining Identification point.
As you are GUILTY then PAY UP !
Successful appeals - Here's a list of the issues that have led to successful appeals for some CHOICE members:
Penalty notice – Does the offence regulation code match its title? Does the make and registration number match your vehicle?I'd say it's worth disputing.
The question people should be asking is whether this was a "private" carpark or not…
I remember someone being booked for speeding with their Holden Commodore on the ticket, but they were driving the Toyota Lexcen.
And the ticket got thrown out in court.Toyota Lexcen = rebadged Holden Commodore, so would have been an easy mistake to make. Surprised it was thrown out.
I once got a parking ticket with incorrect rego number.
After two weeks, council just mailed me a new ticket with a photo of my car parking on that spot.
So no luck you can escape that ticket.