This was posted 5 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

LEGO Tracked Loader 42094 $56.96 (RRP $99.99), Creator Fairground 31095 $48.24 (RRP $79.99) + Ship (Free w Prime/$49) @ AmazonAU

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Looks like Amazon are having a mini Lego sale. Thanks to camelcamelcamel for the tip off. Few other great deals like the 41095 RC car (71.20, RRP 129.99). Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Ordered the Fairground Carousel with Shopback for extra 8% cashback. Saw it in Kmart, it was a larger set than I realised seeing it online.

    • It's small.

  • -1

    Though I was smart buying Pirate Rollar Coaster At $60 for nearly 2KG of Lego .

    Bugger not too popular : (

    Bet 42095 will fall 1st :) $65.50 after SB kicking Big W sale A$$ .

  • Wouldn't touch any of that crap lol . Looks ok though with 4 Minifigs :)

  • War Machine Sold out
    Hall of Armor Sold out

    I'm thinking of getting Avengers Compound, Outrider Attack, and the 3 Harry Potter sets…

  • Had my eye on 31096 couldn't pull the trigger . Be my next Pirate RC plenty of weight 0 demand .

  • Harry Potter sets are great price. Cheaper than DJs/Myer with 20% off that ended yesterday and Kmart every day price.

    BigW prices in sale catalogue are just RRP, which make me wonder if they doing 10/20% off Lego at some point in their sale.

    • Fell in love with bus but think Horntail best and tossing coin whether to fire .

      • Yeah man, fire away!

      • If you're only allowing yourself one, get the Knight Bus, it's iconic. I bought them all from the David Jones sale upon release (HP Lego is my jam) but it was the first one I built last week.

    • No big w prices are certainly not rrp. Go look up lego site to find out what rrp is.

      • I was referring to the available Harry Potter sets which are rrp bar 99c. Horntail Lego $49.99 vs BigW $49, Expecto $29.99 vs $29. Highly unusual for BigW to be so close. Some of the larger sets are a bit better at moment, but price after promotion is basically rrp.
        Further down someone said they have matched Kmart prices, presumably to limit their 10% price beat policy.

  • 42094 over 1 KG of technic looks ok , will fall soon :)

  • Will avengers compound get any cheaper? Not interested in the set but want those damn minifigs. Unfortunately still an expensive set

    Will this be the best price for those harry potter sets?

    Only bought the Hall of Armor so far but thinking on the others…

    • Think Horntail might be not sure on others but 10894 a hidden Duplo Train special @ $14.72 after SB looks great . Not into Duplo :)

      Update now are .

  • -1

    Tempting….if it was 3 years ago, I would have bought 10 of each technic sets (build 1, collect 1, sell the rest off in future)…. these days, the urge has gone.

    • Yeah wish I followed that advice on all the clearance dimensions bought . I'm sure no reruns :)

      Still optimist on certain categories where little or no reruns . At this stage lol .

  • Avengers compound sold out, waited too long lol. Oh well probably a good thing. I got the Hall of Armor and the 3 Harry Potter sets

  • +3

    Thanks for the deal! Just ordered the Tracked Loader. My first own lego…quite exciting.

  • +1

    6 of the friends sets are hidden in this limited time sale . The 3 highest prices ( lighthouse , boat and amusement pier ) are ok for your girls at lowest prices I can find .

  • +1

    LEGO Tracked Loader 42094 now back to full price

  • Just grabbed the Creator helicopter, should hold be off more expensive sets for a while

  • Great price on the Tracked Loader, pity it's back to standard price now. Any recommendations for another Technic set?

  • I can't find a link to the tracked racer rc ? 41095? Can anyone help?

    • Error # should be 42095 and gone up to $118.80

      • Damm I missed out

  • +1

    If you missed out, don't sweat it; most of those sets will be on sale at BigW from the 20th of June, at roughly the same prices (maybe a couple of dollars more at the most) with the added bonus of having large quantities of stock unlike Amazon and not having to wait 1 month to receive your order.

    • +1

      With Prime you'd have these by Wednesday.

      • Yeah I've heard that before. Amazon's shipping ETAs have been wildly inaccurate as of late.

        • I picked up Parisian resturant recently took 4days to arrive.

    • +2

      Lol Amazon 1 month . What planet are you on ?

      Got 42095 $65.50 Amazon .

      Big W after Wish card $75.05

      Guess which place only in my range :) ?

    • Except the harry potter sets which are rrp at big w in the catalogue, so should go to kmart first to check prices

      • Big W is matching Kmart’s prices for the toy sale.

      • Except the harry potter sets which are rrp at big w in the catalogue, so should go to kmart first to check prices

        Only the Hogwarts Clock Tower, Hungarian Horntail Triwizard and Expecto Patronum are cheaper at Kmart and even then they're really meagre savings.

        Compare BigW's and Kmart's prices for the Harry Potter sets.

  • Damn that tracked loader would have looked awesome on my LEGO Mack truck

  • Heads up, the RC Racer 41095 is back from Amazon AU, for $71.20 (I just bought it).

  • The tracked loader appears to also be back in stock @ $56.96…

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