Hi everyone, I would be looking for a cheap Xiaomi Mi Band 4, hopefully priced around $40-45. Thanks in advance
I’m looking for Chinese Version
Looking for a Cheap Mi Band 4

CrazyBargainCatcher on 16/06/2019 - 19:40
Last edited 17/06/2019 - 16:27
Last edited 17/06/2019 - 16:27
Thanks, but I’m sorry because I’m actually looking for the Chinese Version.
You need to wait for a while, the price will drop soon. BTW, Avengers Edition is on the way
Ok, might get the Avengers edition because I’m a semi fan
Merged from Mi Band 4 US $7.99 - Is This A Scam?
I was wondering if this website was a scam selling a Mi band 4 for US$7.99?
Probably. If it's too good to be true… Avoid.
This sounds like a case for CrazyScamCatcher.
Cheers OP got 10
I hope ur not serious
BTW I already have one but scared someone will post this on Ozscammers. 🤗
buy it all, sell on Ebay for double
win win
You might want to check this https://www.tomtop.com/p-pb0140b.html?utm_source=cfjump&utm_…
not fit within your budget but it's the cheapest I could find