This was posted 5 years 8 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PC] Fallout 76 Tricentennial Edition + Fallout 4 GOTY $30 @ EB Games


Not sure how much longer this will be, assuming in correlation with eb games current promo. Despite Fallout 76’s bad reputation a recent debut of its all new battle Royale mode has shed some new light on what this game has become. I’ve personally tried the free and the game is great, and have been loving it. You can clearly see a dedicated development team has working hard with the community to deliver new content and fix a majority of bugs that plagued this game. Arguably worth the the money however Fallout 4 is a great game and with some alright DLC. $30 is more than worth it for 2 great games and plenty of entertainment.

NOTE: Fallout 76 case only comes with a digital code and no CD.

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closed Comments

  • -1
    • +7

      You’re right, the game had one of the worst launches you could imagine. But the reviews are reflecting people’s initial reactions on release and an endless hate train. Bethesda did definitely mess up, but the game is enjoyable and a bit unconventional from the others. Just putting it out there.

      • People love to hate things, and can't help but let others know.

      • +3

        No idea why people support this game when Bethesda has done nothing but scam people and never learns just keeps making the same mistake.
        Oh free NPC update! WOW!!!
        anyway ill never support this game, GL to those that play it

  • +1

    I picked up the Tricentennial Edition for $29, knowing what a train wreck the game is.
    … I just like the Steelcase Box :) It looks nice in my gaming display.
    As for gameplay, I've played it once and it just feels like fallout 4 with less purpose. Met a couple of people, one talked to me / gave me hints
    (but I couldn't reply b/c didnt know where my talk bind key was.)
    I will defo play it a bit more, I like exploring.
    … very glad I didn't pay full price for the PoS though. THAT would of made me very angry, haha. Don't pre order, people !

    • +1

      learned from Brink - never preorder.

    • I don’t think a steelbooks guaranteed. Local store didn’t seem to have them. Just in case that is a deciding factor for anyone.

  • +4

    Man i really wanted this game to succeed. They can still turn it around. Just like no mans sky made a huge turnaround.

  • +1

    Save your self $15 dollars and just buy Fallout 4…

    • Tried 5 days ago, can't add to cart, still same error now

  • This never won GOTY…it was shit

    • Fallout 4 yes.
      Fallout 76 no.

      • Yeah i read the title wrong i thought it was 76 GOTY edition

        4 was brilliant

  • +1

    How long until it's f2p?

  • +2

    so a piece of shit gsme smells better now after the company realised that crapping on its fans wasn't really a good idea?

    no comparison possible with no mans because of the differences in size between the 2 companies.

  • Am I missing something cos it looks like f76 is 30 alone? It's been $10 on CD keys before

    • lowest has been like $13
      hope cdkeys does that promo again

  • +1

    I got this about 2 weeks ago regardless of the reviews, and it is so f^$king fun!! Dont know why it got so much hate

    • +4

      You'll notice that the PC gaming community online is in a state of perpetual outrage. At this point, I really think it wouldn't even survive if there wasn't something to be mindlessly angry about.

    • Because it was an utter piece of shit at launch?

  • It will be Australia's Tricentennial before this game has no bugs :)

  • yeah nah, I will show them my non-support and just not support this company anymore. I'm sick of waiting for a backlash before the game becoming acceptable. I'll just do what I did to H1Z1 and not play and support it anymore and hope other people will join the train and hope the company dies.

    • +5

      With a name like that I'm sure you'll know a thing or two about support.

    • +1

      I highly doubt that bethesda will die.. Doom and fallout have a tremendously large cult following ,you will die before they do.

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