Grabbed one in local BigW today (Mt Ommaney)
Cheapest I’ve ever seen. Not sure if it’s one store or national. There’re few left when I was there.
Grabbed one in local BigW today (Mt Ommaney)
Cheapest I’ve ever seen. Not sure if it’s one store or national. There’re few left when I was there.
JRPG. It's good and I don't normally play JRPGs.
I don't play JRP's, either, but I just love the look of this game, so i've decided to actually open my copy.
It's a JRPG but much more generic than a normal one where every character is a one dimensional archtype and it has far too many characters to get properly invested in anything. Poorly written jumble of a game. Nice art and music though.
Here's a good video about it
Best to skip on this one and save your cash towards the Persona 5 switch port which is probably the best JRPG in the last decade.
Yeah I find it a bit over rated. The combat mechanics I think were pretty good and the art nice. The whole 8 character thing creates issues the game doesn’t overcome though.
There’s a lack of plot which is a result of trying to fit 8 main characters in. Story wise it feels non existent and it’s especially disappointing that the players party has essentially no interaction with one another outside of combat.
The other issue I had was there’s some severe difficulty spikes and this is made worse by there being 8 concurrent stories meaning you’ll likely gravitate towards 2 or 3 main characters and then be forced to assign a slot to someone you may not actually like purely because that’s the story arc you’re currently progressing or that characters fallen behind in levels and you feel forced to bring them up to par for an encounter coming up.
Other party based RPGs do have elements of this but the difficulty spikes in this game can make it really jarring when 25 or 50% of your party aren’t at a good level to take on a boss which in turn forces more grinding than I’d like.
I’d find the game a heck of a lot more appealing if I could progress all story lines without needing to take the person who is driving a particular arc along in the team. You already have a fixed primary character so the story could have just allowed you to meet other people in town and “help” them on their quest while allowing them to sit it out. Then the combat, which is 98% of this game anyway, could consist of the team make up I actually wanted to use rather the one I was forced into.
TLDR: bring on Witcher 3, Baldur’s Gate 2 and Planescape Torment.
I feel the same as you, lost interest very quick .
But there is no persona 5 switch port?
Persona 5 is PS4 exclusive I think.
My apologies, I got the Persona 5 Scramble confused for confirmation of the actual game coming to Switch. Hopefully we get P5 R at some point.
Videogamedunkey, the guy that reviewed the game does not like JRPG. Nothing saying that his review is not valid, but he is probably not the target audience but I feel like he is just being nitpicky to make a point.
If you are not a fan of the JRPG genre, probably skip it. If you are still curious, try the 3 hour demo as others have stated and only buy then.
He may or may not be biased, but I am a fan of the JRPG (especially the classic type that this is trying to throw back to) and I feel this game could have been a lot better.
I think I'd rather see instead of separate chapters that can be done in any order, one long story that integrates everybody's individual stories into one whole.
When characters don't talk to each other or acknowledge their existence, what you're getting is a case of gameplay and story separation. Also known as ludo-narrative dissonance.
Yeah he doesn't like JRPG but I do like JRPG games quite a lot and I have to agree with him on this one, the storyline is way underdeveloped while they spend all their time focused on overexplaining one dimensional archtype that have been done a million times before. The storyline offers no big twists or anything surprising. The characters feel incredibly disconnected from each other and the main story as a whole. I normally look for good writing in JRPGs above all else when deciding which ones to recommend to others and this game falls incredibly short.
If you enjoy grinding your party out and just the motions of going through the JRPG tropes (as I do) this game is totally fine but there's nothing that will make it stand out to you. As the Switches first proper JRPG it's probably worth playing if you have no interest in replaying one of the Final Fantasy ports and just want a JRPG grind to pass the time on a portable console but I'd rather play any of the 3DS JRPGs over this.
@Agret: The game's story is assuming that each character is traveling alone and is the star of their own stories. The other characters serve no purpose in the story of another's than to fill out a party. They are not participating in anyone else's story and are just there. The game more or less ignores the other characters and pretends the star is alone.
I feel this is a heavy handed way of implementing a party system.
Even though you are free to do any chapters you want in any order you want, the game ideally wants you to do all the chapters 1s then all the chapter 2s then all the chapter 3s instead of sticking to one character, finishing their whole story and then moving to the next. You won't meet the recommended levels for later chapters otherwise.
People who love this game surely don't love it for the story? I also think some people have nostalgia goggles on.
The Switch also has Xenoblade 2 though it's gotten mixed reviews. I haven't tried it myself.
There are ports of other systems JRPGs such as Ys VIII in addition to the remasters.
Agreed, highly overrated and repetitive in a very boring way. I've played my fair share of Final Fantasy, Nino kuni, Dragon quest, persona recently but Octopath I couldn't continue.
There are some cool battle mechanics but it got boring real quick.
I agree with this.
I liked the battle system but super disappointed by the story.
It is a victim of its non-linearity. There are 8 characters and each one has 4 chapters. You can play them in any order you want, but there are level requirements that prevent you from just continuing one character's chapters from beginning to end. You need to alternate and gain levels in someone else's story even if you're invested in the first person.
Also, the characters don't really acknowledge each other. They don't talk to each other, and kinda pretend they don't exist even though they're standing right there. They talk about, if only someone strong could help me through this… but there happens to be a big dude standing right next to you who is already in your party. This is sometimes really eggregious and a total missed opportunity.
If Persona 5 Switch port is confirmed (I did not know that it was, though I assumed it would happen eventually), that will be a better game.
My apologies, I got the Persona 5 Scramble confused for confirmation of the a trial game coming to Switch. A SMT title is supposed to be confirmed for Switch but so far they haven't shown anything about that publically. Wish we would get Persona 5 Royal on the Switch.
That Switch port doesn't look to be happening. Royal is going to release in Japan in October; would be a spit in the face for Switch owners to only receive the vanilla version, and Atlus has stated they have no plans to port it to other platforms.
"No plans" is just PR speak for "we're not ready to announce anything yet, but it's probably going to happen"
You can write a book on how many games ended up releasing for which there were "no plans" to do so.
There's a demo on eshop for anyone who isn't sure if they will like it or not.
Loved what I read about it but after trying the demo decided it wasn’t my thing.
Exactly the same for me.
Again, so can't recommend this highly enough, I've already put in a solid 10hours.
On their website as well, no stock near me unfortunately
No stock. Sad
You could always try your luck at ebgames or jb hifi and having them price match. I was able to price match at eb earlier this year when target was selling octopath for $30 (target website was sold out but was still able to get the price match). YMMV though.
no stock
You sound like an MSY clerk.
Wouldn't trust their online stock checker, I bought Doom instore at my local big w for $29 (still this price!) when it was listed as having no stock last week. Do some legwork and u might be rewarded.
I'd recommend downloading the 3 hour demo of the game on the eShop before purchasing. I thought I'd like it but after playing for a bit over 2 hours, I'm glad I didn't buy it.
That being said, this the cheapest price I've seen it for and if you're going to get it, now would be the time.
Please don't post here anymore.
Settle down, I was going to buy a copy for $39 and maybe, just maybe make a small profit at RRP at my local market. And if not I have one in plastic for my collection.
Also let me know when you buy your second or third property. And we can continue this conversation.
Fantastic game
What do you think is great about it?
Battle system and art style.
I'm of the opinion that old JRPGs are better than new JRPGs with the exception of Persona series.
This one draws inspiration from the older JRPGs.
But of course, you wouldn't know that since your copy is still factory sealed for the display cabinet.
i like the art style of the game that's about all i've looked into it
I tried the demo but not really a fan of it. I love the music and art but most of the fighting scenes seems repetitive and feels like a chore. Maybe my younger self would love it. Great price tho.
For people who doesn't have Switch like me and don't want to buy the console just for this game, Octopath have a PC port just released.
Just got one in the Big W in Miranda Westfield. Pretty sure there is only one left.
I bought this game online for a similar price to this, and I am now over 100 hours in. I really like it, it has its flaws like all games, but I definitely think it was worth the purchase.
None at ACT Tuggeranong :(
One more copy left on the shelves of Big W Victor Harbout
None at Macquarie Centre. :(
EB games price matched mine today. No issues.
Bought from EB games, Price matched with BigW website price.
Price matched from EB games, no problem at all.
what kind of game is it?