• expired

Bonus $2 Cashback on Any Transaction made via Cashrewards Notifier (New & Existing, No Min Spend, One Per Member) @ Cashrewards


Hi all. Here's a nice deal for everyone. If you haven't already done so, download and install our Cashrewards Desktop Notifier and make any purchase of any value at any of the 1200+ stores listed on the Notifier. The $2 bonus will be credited by June 30. Please note this offer runs until 11:59pm Sunday, June 16. Enjoy :)

Promotion Terms:

  • You must click out via the Cashrewards Notifier to your store of choice and complete your purchase.
  • Please Note: This is done by left-clicking the Cashrewards Notifier Logo, type a store in the search field, and select store. This will redirect via a 'loading merchant data' page to the store page. Shopping from a Cashrewards 'Shop Now' page will not activate the offer.
  • Transaction must be made between 2:00pm AEST June 14, and 11:59pm AEST June 16.
  • The normal cashback rate applies to the transaction. This bonus is over and above the regular rate.
  • Offer applies to existing and new Notifier users. If already installed, no need to install again.
  • Limited to one $2 bonus per Cashrewards account.
  • The $2 bonus will be credited by June 30.
  • Purchase of Woolworths Gift Cards are exempt from this bonus.
  • If an order is cancelled, changed or returned, the bonus will be void.
  • As per our T&Cs, fraudulent orders and activities will result in your Cashrewards account being banned and rewards forfeited, this includes creating multiple Cashrewards accounts.

Remember to add your Cashrewards refer-a-friend code (available here) to OzB's randomiser.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3765)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +2

    Awesome, thanks! I have a few things under $2 in my cart from AliExpress, perfect time to buy!

    • 20% off AliExpress would be cherry on top. One can dream.

  • +1

    Missed the offer by 20 minutes (bought at 1:40pm) :-(

    • still active mate?

  • +1

    I found the notifier hit and miss, it missed my purchase of a Cruise the other week, which is a substantial cashback too :(

    • You can contact them with the payment details and they will investigate.

  • -2

    Will it work with Woolies giftcards?

    • +7

      As per the OP:

      Purchase of Woolworths Gift Cards are exempt from this bonus.

      • +4

        Sorry mate, I was too excited and didn't read :P

  • +2

    Grabbed a digital xbox game from the Microsoft site using the Notifier, lets see if this works.

  • No money left from all the Shopback incentives of late. :)

    Good to see some competition from CR.

    • they did just have a $2 bonus on amazon…

  • Would I be able to use this on a game pre-order from Amazon?

    Was going to get Death Stranding however since Amazon don't technically fulfil/charge for the order until it gets released (in November), was wondering how it would affect the $2 bonus.

    • +1

      You'd need to fulfill this Amazon requirement:

      Pre-orders are eligible for Cashback only if the item is scheduled to be shipped within 60 days of purchase.

      • +1

        Ah ok, guess not then. Fair enough though, I can understand why that requirement would be there.

        Appreciate the prompt reply.

  • +7

    You can have this $2@amazon.
    Arnott's TeeVee Snacks Malt Sticks, 175 Grams

    Technically free if you are a prime member.

    • +1

      Great, got that one as well. More than just technically free, remember the normal cashback as well!

  • Stupid question but will this work on my phone?

    • +5

      No such thing as a stupid question. This is a desktop notifier and will only install on desktop Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. For mobile, please use our App.

      • What a kind person

        • Indeed!

          • @A fish: hey mate, it’s still a really good deal, enjoy it. free $2, that’s a cheeseburger right there, care of TA.

            • -2

              @Zazer: I agree, it's a great deal. TA is not a kind person for fulfilling his role as a cashrewards staff member though.

          • +9

            @A fish: Long before TA joined CashRewards (and way before your time here), he was posting huge amount of deals, negotiating deals with merchants for the benefit of this community, and being very helpful to other members.

            BTW I didn't neg you.

            • +2

              @bluesky: And he still does it to this day.

          • @A fish: lol are you serious? Why so entitled???

            • -2

              @PeterN: I don't think that I am entitled to free money, or that TA is being kind by doing his job.

  • One more question, if I bought something using leftover Amazon credit, would I still be eligible for both cashback and this bonus?

    • Sorry, unfortunately no to both…

      Purchases paid partially or in full with Amazon credit are ineligible for Cashback.

      • Hi TA,

        I was going to ask this earlier as well, given the Amazon Cashrewards T&C:

        • Purchases paid partially or in full with Amazon credit are ineligible for Cashback.
        Purchases paid partially or in full with gift cards are eligible for Cashback (06/05/19).

        So presumably credits and gift cards are different things. In my case, seeing that the amount was listed under the 'gift card' section of my Amazon account, I thought most likely, it would be safe to assume it is a gift card purchase, and hence eligible. (The purchase amount was deducted from this balance.)

        Would I be right in thinking it is eligible?

        Many thanks in advance.

        • +2

          Hi bluesky. These terms were added recently at the request of Amazon AU and worded precisely as asked. What I’ll do is reach out to them on your behalf for clarification re your comment and report back here once I have an answer. Have a great weekend :)

          • +1

            @tightarse: No worries :-) Will be good to know for future anyway. Thanks TA.

      • Hi TA, does that rule apply with groupon as well? I have a few dollars credit but was hoping to use cashrewards for the remaining $36 that would be part of the order. Would that void eligibility?

  • Would the $2 still be paid if cashback is denied due to use of coupon code?

    • i’m assuming not

  • would it be a problem to install and enable both Cashrewards and Shopback Chrome plugin the same time?

    • Lol

    • nope, just make sure you click through cashrewards and re-activate if you click out accidentally.

  • +2

    I didn't use the search to find the merchant. I went to the website, and clicked on the notifier pop-up that appeared to enable cashback. Will the bonus be counted?

    • +3

      Yup, all good. Works that way too :)

      • +1


  • Amazing work like always

    • +3

      purchased dinner off Menulog and tracked within 30min!!

  • Does it still get tracked if item is already in the cart at the time of clicking on notifier?

    • Depends on the store. Definitely not for Amazon.

      Items must only be added to your Amazon cart after clicking from Cashrewards. Ensure your Amazon cart is empty before clicking from Cashrewards, as items added prior to clicking will not earn Cashback.

  • +2

    Privacy question: Does the CR Browser add-in track any data(like visited sites) and if it does what does it do with it?

    • Kudos for bringing this up. An interesting and important question. Hope it gets answered.

    • +1

      Hi flipfire. Although the notifier can track installation, user clicks in the extension interface (menu, notification, serp injection) and merchant activation, we only use it to match the URL to the related cashback rate for any given store. Browsing history is not tracked/stored at any time. Hope this helps.

      • Good answer.

  • +7

    god I feel so guilty. that's the second pasta sauce for $2 I've bought from amazon in a week - arriving in large box with plastic packaging :|

    • +2

      Reuse the plastic packaging somehow. I reuse all my online purchase packaging to package things I send via post, I even reuse satchels haha.

      If you never post anything fragile, I guess you could bubble wrap your walls for fun or something.

  • Is $0 ebook transaction eligible for this promotion?

  • Thanks OP. Got 3 pairs of adidas socks down to $6

  • I'm new to cashrewards, can we get this offer if we use the app instead of the desktop notifier?. Also I made a purchase just now but can't see any $2 bonus.

    • +1

      Hi, and welcome to CR. This particular offer applies only to the desktop notifier. And also…

      The $2 bonus will be credited by June 30.

  • Not working for Groupon?

    • +2

      You are spot on ck_lkc, thanks for the find. The team is investigating if it's a Groupon API issue, or a Notifier issue. Was working fine yesterday. Please hold off purchasing at Groupon via the Notifier if you want the bonus. You can still click Shop Now from Groupon merchant page after going from the Notifier but it won't register the click bonus. Will respond here once I have an update. Cheers.

      • In case this is helpful to your team debugging/fixing this issue, even yesterday, this issue was intermittent. It was not working, so I tried a few things including closing browser, logging off my Cashrewards account and so on, and then it seemed to work again. I did not rely on it though.

    • +2

      Groupon issue should be sorted now. Thanks again for your patience.

      • TA for prime minister hahaha. Thank you!

  • Hi TA, are purchases from eBay AU (0% cashback) and eBay UK (0.75% cashback) considered as valid transactions for the $2 bonus cashback?

    • Not eBay AU for two reasons. (1) It's 0%, and (2) it doesn't redirect to the 'loading merchant data page' as specified in the OP.

      For eBay UK yes, but not on gift cards. Basically as long as your transaction records a cashback amount of $0.01 or higher, then it's ok.

      • +1

        Got it. Thanks.

      • Does this mean I won't get the $2 bonus when I buy the $1 for 1GB Amaysim SIM (because I've bought it before so won't get the cashback)?

  • Hi TA - I made a purchase via the Cashrewards link; however I had the extension installed and it showed the offer as being applied. Will I get the $2 credit?

    • Hi. You need to purchase directly via the Notifier as explained in the OP in order to get the bonus. Clicking from Shop Now will still track your sale, but will not activate the bonus.

  • oh my… other than the Woolworths gift card I can't think of what I can buy with this $2 cash back…

  • is order in wws online paying by gift card valid for this offer?

    • Unfortunately not as the transaction will be declined by Woolworths:

      Important Change: Commencing 1 Oct 2018, Woolworths Online orders paid partially or in full with any gift cards (including WISH) will no longer be eligible for Cashback.

      • how about stacking with Apple Music? https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/462715
        thinking hard what to buy tommorrow

        • can't see why not.

        • now that i think about it, i can see why it won't work. the notifier just sends you to the CR page rather than opening up itunes automatically.

  • how do you know the offer has been activated, followed the instructions, cashback tracked but no where can i see the $2 promo in my account?

    • +2

      I purchased an item from AliExpress yesterday, got the email confirming tracked cashback shortly after. Checked my account today and $2 promo was applied, so 24 hours for it to show up in this instance, but it could be credited any time up until 30/06.

    • +3

      Did you actually try reaching out to support for help? I can assure you there is nothing wrong with the notifier.

      Please read the terms for Marriott. They’re one of our most difficult partners with lots of property exclusions and special terms, and could be the reason you’re having issues. See here…


      • Yes, I did. But

        First, there was not many conditions when I placed the order.

        second, I still can see them in the click history, but none of them been tracked.

        • +1

          Having clicks to a merchant doesn’t guarantee tracking. All it does is confirm you clicked out via CR at some stage. There are a heap of other factors at play that can and will prevent the sale tracking. They’re all listed in the terms, but also include CR not being your last click and your transaction being attributed to other channels such as Google, TripAdvisor etc.

          I can almost guarantee if we did a follow up on an untracked order ID of yours, Marriott would report back that you clicked out elsewhere before completing the purchase and an affiliate other than CR was attributed the booking.

  • I made a purchase through the notifier last night and it didn’t work, usually it would track within a few minutes to a couple of hours. I received a notification for around one second that flashed on the screen on something about adblocker when i clicked on the shop i wanted to purchase something. I didn’t have time to read it before it went to the website but i turned off adblocker anyways and then proceeded with my purchase. This morning i tried the notifier again and instead of flashing it stayed on the page to tell me to add the website to the safe list before proceeding. Any chance of backdating? Usually i use microsoft edge instead of chrome.

    • +3

      The message you received would have been that you had AdBlock on, and if you wish to shop anyway. You possibly hit enter and it proceeded to the store. This would most likely have killed tracking. You should really make a habit of turning AdBlock off completely before using CR. It’s a tracking killer for sure.

      As long as you added the store to the safe list before shopping, you should be fine and the sale will track and you’ll get the $2 bonus. But please, turn AdBlock off completely as I said above. Any issues at all, please PM me. Thanks.

      • Hi, Rep
        I followed what you said here and did purchase, but didn't get the the $2, even my purchase not been tracked, now your team member helped out the cashback for the store, but where is the $2?

        • +1

          Hi. Please PM me your ticket number and/or CR email address and I'll take care of it. Thanks.

          • @tightarse: Thanks Rep. All good in my account now, got the $2, you are so helpful

  • +1

    $2 now showing in account. Wish I'd gotten better games from Fanatical's TMMM bundle, but ah well.

    Thanks again TA and CR!

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