Single Matress Which to Buy

Got this bed for my 3 and half yr old old son his first big bed and obsessed with cars as i know its on its way i needto find a single matress.
This is bed we ordered.… man&sp=4&
What like are ikea mattress or say fantastic furniture obviously not wanting to spend heaps and he is not toilet trained yet but have a cover to protect matress.

I noticed this one but no idea if any good,i believe aldi do ones in a box but maybe none left and are they any good?

This was one i was thinking but is it really a $189 matress.…

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  • Grab one of zzz atelier

    100% better than Giselle

    • But its 69 for postage.

  • We purchased the single bed from fantastic furniture for our 2yo. It was rolled up and in a box. Which made it easier to transport.

    I've slept on it a few times and it's pretty comfy. I paid $70-$100. I can't remember the exact price or name of it. They only had one type that was rolled up.

    • I did find that one you mention but im sure its more than $100 has some good reviews with a google search but not sure if same one its sleep tight

  • Wow my boys would have loved that bed when they were little (actually probably still would). I definitely recommend zzz atelier. We all sleep on their mattresses and have found them to be really good for the price. Just be aware the black label is quite a thick mattress so check the measurements as it might look a bit odd with the fancy bed (IMO).

  • Did aldi not do one in box recently and how are they any good?how does one find out if stores have any or do aldi just sell off there stuff. Im sure there matress in box was recent.

  • So is Giselle mattress not a good buy? Can get it for $94 I found out that bed I got a mattress no thicker than 16cm is best as looks nicer on bed due to style. So that excluded fantastic furniture,amart etc.

    I'm not sure the thickness of the Aldi ones but probably none around now.

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