Best Printer for Mobile Printing

Hi relative is looking for a new printer, cheaper is better maybe up to $200

Needs great mobile printing as all printing will be done from phone or tablet.
Cheap ink and small size also appreciated.
Scanner would be good.
Speed or large printing doesn't matter.

If any one has any suggestions would love to here them thanks.


  • For photos or documents? A4 or 4x6?

  • What kind of tablet and phone - iPhone or Android? Have a look on the app store, most manufacturers have an app for their printers - Canon, Brother, HP.

    • Android S10 and Samsung tablet I know most have apps just wondering if any where much better as many have been very clunky and finiky in past.


      • Since it sounds like you have some specific requirements, have you considered trying out some of the printers on display at officeworks?

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