SD Cards - What's a Good Price These Days? Any eBay Deals?

Looking to get some SD cards, found these:…

Noticed it says that this is a new generation card and my current one is 95MB/s in transfer speed while this is much higher.

Is this a good price for these cards as I'm getting a few, and is it worth getting this or the more expensive V60 II card? I shoot in 4k.


  • You should be ok with that. Have a read of this, from SanDisk website.

  • What does the manufacture of the camera you're using recommend?

    That card should be fine if you're shooting standard 4k default settings, eg 30fps, standard colours.

    But if you're planning to shoot >60fps and use a higher bit colour log, then you're better off getting sdhc II cards. Make sure your camera is compatible with it first, otherwise it will just drop to mk I speeds.

    • Thanks. I do film in 4k 60p on a GH5, and currently have a 128GB 90mb/s. Haven't bought an SD card in a long while, or notice deals on ozb so wasn't sure what's the current status quo when it comes to buying cards relative to their speed.

      I'll look into sdhc and see if its worth it

  • Those Sandisk ones require proprietary readers to reach the speeds, I don't think any other manufacturer will ever add that into their hardware (already struggle enough adopting UHS standards in a reasonable timeframe). Samsung EVO Plus 128GB (& greater) are always on sale. Has 90MB/s writes. The Sandisk Extreme Pros don't seem to be on sale as often, or maybe people aren't posting them as deals. Too many variables for recording to give solid advice on 4K write demandss, look up your camera recording bit rates.

    • Makes sense. I was shocked to see 170mb, haven't noticed things have changed and always had 90mb/s. Got a GH5 and I record on 4k/60, and yeah, rarely noticed Sandisk go on sale in the past.

      I'll look around for UHSII cards and if their still extremely pricey I'll probably just get these ones. thxs

    • Interesting to know - Thanks for posting.
      info from SanDisk

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