Recommendations for 1080p Vs 1440p Gaming Monitor


I can’t decide between 1080p or 1440p resolution for gaming, but i really want to get a 144hz one as they say that you can really tell the difference coming from 60hz.

What gaming monitor do you guys recommend? I’ve been searching for a few days and still can’t decide. I haven’t had a desktop for a long time, always been using a macbook pro but this time bought a pc from techfast. It will have the 1660 ti gpu.

Or should i just get an ips gaming monitor?

Budget would be around $400ish

Thanks heaps in advance!


  • Ooh, how about another dilemma for you?

    Widescreen 16:9 or Ultrawide??

    I'm weighing up an upgrade as well, and seeing a deal like this 34" ultrawide Makes me really ponder the benefits of that additional screen real estate. This one is beyond your budget BUT seems a great deal!

    • The extra real estate of a 34" ultrawide is great. Most movies have minimal black bars. You do need a decent gpu push it properly.

      That Kogan was $449 which is a good enough deal to have a go.

    • Yeah, maybe not ultrawide for now hehe! The pc will be mostly for gaming and very seldom some online training for work or homework for the kids. Haha

    • +1


      How about another application:

      I need to view (parts of) more
      than 1 document "concurrently"

      Can I send output fr. multiple
      applications to same [25" LG]
      screen & do what I need to do?

      I'd also like to view several
      images or videos (OK, stopping
      all but 1 of them)

      Oh, it's for a Win 10 shop…
      Would it be easier with Linux?
      or Mac OS? or GoogleCast?


  • Definitely worth getting 144hz.
    What's your budget for PC? Pushing 144hz at 1440p pushes my RTX2070. If you're not running hardware that powerful if stick to 1080p.

    • I already bought a pc with a 1660 ti. Ok, thanks for your input, i’ll probably stick with 1080p :)

  • but i really want to get a 144hz one as they say that you can really tell the difference coming from 60hz.

    Understatement of the year right there.

    You know what it's like playing 30 fps after playing 60 fps? yeah that but worse.

    I have a Vega 64 and a 1080p 144hz monitor, after going high fps i'd choose to have higher fps over higher resolution every single time.

    • Thanks very much, seems like i’ll go with a 1080p with 144hz then.

      Do you guys recommend a good reliable monitor? I was looking at the asus vg258q, more expensive than other brands but it has a really good stand. Or just go with the cheaper acer kg251qf? Or can go 27inch with the kg271a.

      So hard to choose!

  • +1

    I would recommend a 16:9 2560x1440p IPS Freesync monitor for most people. Only go for 4k if you have a high end GPU and want a higher electricity bill.

    IPS tech is superior to TN. Most web pages are designed for cell phones in portrait orientation, so I would so no to 21:9 monitors unless all you do on a desktop PC is game and watch films.

  • Add another 300 hundy to your budget and you can get slick Acer Monitor

  • what size screen were you after?
    check out forums with the GPU you have & the games you want to play & see what size & sort of monitors those gamers have

    how close to the monitor will you be sitting?
    I find 27" to be the sweet spot ATM

    I would get a 1080p monitor with your GPU
    save money for a better GPU & monitor down the line & use the monitor you bought as a 2nd monitor (I have 3 now)

    AOC AGON make a nice monitor, and are not too dear

    IPS monitors are nice, but have a slowish refresh, unless you pay big bickies for it
    TN are fast but have the worst viewing angle, unless you are the only one watching & are right infront
    VA is just right

    • Im still thinking about 24 or 27 inches. I will have a look at these aoc agon monitors. Thank you!

  • -3

    Unless you're planning to become a professional competitive online player then no, 144hz isn't going to make any difference to you at all if you even had the power to do that which you don't. Scientifically proven nobody can tell the difference either compared to 80-100hz, certainly not a casual gamer. 1080p is downright outdated and looks like trash. I always recommend 1440p, it's better and more balanced than both 1080 or 4K right now. 34" 1440 ultrawide is the sweet spot at the moment.

    • Can you recommend a good 34” 1440p monitor?

  • I was pretty much in the same situation as you (on macbook pro then thought would do some light gaming and got a 1660ti deal from techfast haha) I end up buying ag322fcx I think with recent deals on ebay you could find one sub $350, it works with G-Sync as well if that's your thing. personally not a competitive gamer by any mean, but could definitely feel the game play being smoother changing from a 60Hz to a 144Hz monitor (not saying my game play necessarily improved, but was definitely a better gaming experience)

    • Oh wow! Isn’t the 32 inch too big?

      Also not a competitive gamer but just want to enjoy the experience.

      • coz when I'm at home I use it for my macbook pro too. So I kinda wanted a bigger screen. Some people would say 1080p for such big monitor is pretty bad, I personally don't have issue with it, unless you are coming from higher resolution I suppose you would see a difference. But I guess it would also depends on how much desk space you have too

  • Personally, it is worth it for me. It's hard to look back after playing on 144hz, higher refresh rates especially ideal on multiplayer games. But of course you should have a GPU to match. This source should help you decide better.

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