Hey guys I'm looking to get ITIL certified and have checked the prices that institutions are offering which are quite expensive. I've currently enrolled into an Udemy course online to start off but do not know where to go from there? What is the cheapest and convenient method to completing a ITIL v4 foundations certificate? I'm located in Melbourne
Where Can I Complete My ITIL V4 Foundation Course?
There are some places that are offering the certification for $1500 :( Trying to save where I can.
Does your workplace offer education training? They offer $5K where I am as well as online training courses. I guest you can pa and use that as tax deduct if it is related to your work.
Thoughtrock offer the course, sample exams and certification. https://www.thoughtrock.com/itil-certification-exam-online/
Used to be USD $200 but now 270.
I think just sitting the exam in melb in person is about $360.Thanks! Will take a look. Will it matter to employers on where I complete the exam? I'm trying to find a place to sit it in person in Melbourne.
It's the same exam, so no difference just save some money and can do at home.
Its just a multi choice exam, like highaxis said, see if you can get an employer to pay. It is really easy to pass. Read the notes over a weekend and passYeah sounds like a better idea to do it online rather than in person. Just graduated Uni and the jobs that I have been looking at require some ITIL knowledge, thought I'd try to complete the foundations to give myself a better chance to securing an entry level support job.
@poormansfriedchicken: Yeah itil sucks. It's a pain in the ass. As long as you have a working understanding of the process flow you usually will be OK.
What did you study at uni and where do you want to go? try to get an entry business analyst or testing role. After a few years you may be in a better spot.@8GB RAM: I studied Business Information Systems / Accounting at university. I've only started looking for jobs and they all require some form of experience(I have zero IT experience). I'm hoping to work towards becoming a business analyst, with the intentions of completing a certificate in ITIL and Prince2 sometime in the near future. Not sure where I should start but the graduate roles that are currently available are support jobs and just hoping to get a job that will get my foot in the door into the industry. Have a few interviews lined up for entry level support jobs but would rather start my career elsewhere (non solely IT support if possible).
@poormansfriedchicken: Do help desk as a last resort. With a good attitude (and the ability to be patient) you should be able to land junior
BA role on the finance or business side. A willingness to learn and positive attitude will get you far.
Do your udemy free course on itil and you can mention that you are familiar with itil in your cover letter. doing the cert may not help without experience.
If it's an itil workplace they'll put you on the course.@8GB RAM: Thanks will consider the advice. I have a job interview for a help desk job tomorrow, not too keen on it but I might need to accept it getting desperate at this point :( I'm not too sure how long I should give myself to land a job though it might be a few months till I find employment. Do you have any idea on what time-frame I should give myself based on your experience?
@poormansfriedchicken: Depends on how desperate you are.
Getting some interview experience will take you far. You will learn how to negotiate and gain confidence.
Ask where the role can take you and if there is any progression paths (ask if the role you're applying for is because a staff quit or got promoted etc)If you need the money take the job. But keep looking if something is better pops up.
Good luck
@8GB RAM: Haven't had much interviews since applying but took the first job offer- a service desk entry level job. Thinking of using this experience as a foundation into future growth, will apply for future graduate programs down the line. Thanks for your help.
I passed mine about a month ago. Work paid for an online course through IT Futures. They resell itpro.tv
Paid $795 with exam, did not know about Thought Rock
Congrats! Was it difficult? I'm exploring my options to see whether to sit it online or in person. 795 with an exam is the cheapest I've heard of so far.
I've worked in the industry for 5 years so most of the content was familiar. Foundation is basically testing your understanding of the terminology. My course included all ITIL levels so I am planning on attempting some of the advanced certs when I get motivated..
I thought ITIL was dead with modern devops environments?
From memory, exam is mainly questions based on semantics around use of their terms/words, was very annoying at the time I did it, for some earlier version.
Thanks! They have just released a new version this year. Looking forward to putting a few weeks of study into it before taking the exam from the different responses I have had.
Going back to the original question. The cheapest I have found for certification is the following;
https://www.passionitgroup.com/product/itil4-foundation-exam… $255 USD
https://diontraining.com/product/itil-4-foundation-exam-vouc… $299 USDThese exams are done online.
Thanks will check these out!
What did you end up doing?
Don't think you want to cheap out when you're going for your certification.