GearBest Refusal to Honour Warranty on Xiaomi Phone

For anyone considering buying a Xiaomi phone from Gearbest I thought I would share my cautionary tale.

tl;dr version:

  • Purchased Xiaomi Mi A2 in Nov 2018 from Gearbest
  • After 3 months phone was bricked by Xiaomi OTA update
  • Sent back phone to repair at my cost to Gearbest - 6 weeks later they tell me it cannot be repaired
  • After much back and forth Gearbest offers refund of about half the cost of the phone ($110 USD)

Despite being told it would take "2 business days", and numerous follow-ups, still waiting for my refund 4 weeks later

I purchase a Xiaomi Mi A2 in Nov of 2018 from Gearbest for my wife for Christmas. In March Xiaomi pushed out an OTA update that bricked the phone – this was a common problem reported by Mi A2 users at the time:

Since the bootloader was locked, the only possible way to recover the phone was to disassemble it, short out the test points and flash with EDL which I did not want to risk for a phone supposedly under warranty.

I raised a support ticket with Gearbest and after some back and forth 3 days later they responded with:

After reviewing your case, it has passed 45 days money back guarantee, we regret that it can not be repaired according to our supplier.

They offered me a refund of $30 USD, which consider I paid over $200 USD for the device I thought was a joke.

I responded pointing out that:

  • The device can be fixed by bridging the test points on the device and reflashing (provided evidence of this), however doing this would void their warranty
  • The phone has a 1 year repair warranty provided by Gearbest and the device is only 3 months old

Gearbest then responded and said I could send the phone back to their repair center at my cost (which equated to around $20 USD) which I elected to do.

The carrier notification said the phone arrived at the repair center on 25 March. After multiple messages to customer service eventually over 6 weeks later I received the follow:

Thank you for taking the time to return your item to us.
After inspecting it carefully with our technicians, we regret to inform you that this item cannot be repaired.
To resolve this issue, we would like to offer you the following options:

Partial refund of 80USD, to your original payment account
-For PayPal refunds, please allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to process and appear in your account.

Now, I know for a fact that the phone WAS repairable as others had successfully reflashed their phone using EDL as I mention above. I was pretty incensed - I had now waited 2 months, had no phone and they were offering me less than half the price I paid for the phone as compensation. After some back and forth we eventually agreed on a $110 USD refund:

As you are a valued customer of us, we would like to refund 110USD on your wallet or your original payment account.
Please confirm we could go ahead.
Kindly let us know about your decision at your earliest convenience.

I was told that my refund to Paypal would take “2 business days” to show up in my account.

A week later I still had received no refund and I contacted them again, and was told that:

Due to the weekends and peak season ,there is delay for the refund . Now we have urged our related colleague to process this sooner . Please kindly wait about 1-3 working days.

After numerous follow-up contacts over the subsequent 3 weeks I have been told several times that the refund will be processed in "1-3 days" but am still waiting.

No idea if I will actually eventually receive the refund - but I would caution anyone against using Gearbest. If something goes wrong with your device, you will be fighting tooth and nail to try and get them honor their warranty. In hindsight I would have been better off just paying the premium to buy from a local reputable supplier.

Also, if you have a Xiaomi phone make sure you enable OEM Unlock on the device out of the gate! Xiaomi bricking phones with OTA updates unfortunately doesn't seem to be that uncommon.

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  • +17

    It's the price you pay when you buy grey

    • +1

      Avoid these liars buy from aliexpess original xiaomi store and don't worry about warranty it lasts good 2 years

  • +6

    Reading this reminds me why I avoid buying expensive items from those sites.

  • +4

    It's funny you think it's just Gearbest!!

    Prepare to pay when problems arise going grey :P

  • +2

    That's why they are so cheap… their warranties are a joke.
    The cost of shipping back and forth and the time they take is further salt in the wound.
    Usually best to try a DIY fix or find a local phone tech.

  • take the $110 usd, and flash it yourself, win win.

    if the refund takes too long for your own comfort, and you paid with paypal, make a claim through paypal.
    Well you should of done that within the 6 months period, now your out of luck.

  • +3

    This is completely unacceptable, and I don't know why they think they can get away with it, or that it won't harm their reputation! Gearbest is better than this kind of scumbaggery. Push back stating that you will lodge a paypal claim, and politely demand a non-negotiable full refund or replacement with new unit. Do not accept any less than this. If you get no luck, please message me, and I'll see what I can do.

    P.S: there's a holiday in china for the next couple of days, so just give them a break (undeserved it may be…) if you get no reply for the next few days.

  • Does the retailer warranty cover firmware updates?

  • Xiao Mi will go to extraordinary lengths not to honour warranties. I've owned 5 units and still go back to the early MI5 only becos it behaves as asked. My MI9 is junk. Flooded with adds in all system apps and an annoying strategically located ggl button that cannot be configured. Furthermore each system setting needs to be repeatedly toggled and mysterious sets back to factory default with the main offenders being updates and adds. Oh just too many bugs and issues to go into here aside from the ruthless and brutal service and back up.

  • "In hindsight I would have been better off just paying the premium to buy from a local reputable supplier."

    just wondering, what is the name of the local reputable supplier that sell xiaomi phone?

    • Xiaomi Australia? They opened up a physical and online store recently.

      • No they don't. the Chatswood shop is just resellers. And now they changed to Huawei haha

        • They changed to Huawei because of Xiaomi's official entry. Much like how that same crowd had an Oppo store prior to their official entry.

          That link above is the official site and they have an official Mi store in Chippendale. Xiaomi are using the distributor Panmi Pty Ltd to do business here.

  • +1

    Alas, this is the risk you take in buying grey.

    We all buy from online sources knowing that you'll often get little support in the case of an issue.

    It's a personal thing as to just how much risk you're willing to take to grab a bargain, or a device that you can't get here.

    For me, my mental process is fairly simple… I have zero interest in paying the kind of ridiculous prices asked for the premier brand names, so if I can get the same objective performance and quality from a Xiaomi device that normally sells for half the price, and then grab a deal from here, then worst case - I lose out on the first purchase and have to buy again, and still have spent less than a local iPhone/Samsung/whatever.

    As the saying goes: up to you.

    • 100% agree very dodgy liars

  • +1

    I would suggest messaging the rep here on OzBargain. As bad as it is you'll normally get better outcomes by messaging store reps on OzBargain 😉

  • Could you try to get a credit card refund? Otherwise you might need to check what options you have for a PayPal dispute.

    First thing I do with xiaomi phones and tablets is to install a lineage based ROM (after their wait to unlock time). Havok is my favourite on the Mi Pad 4.

  • +1

    Thank you for the heads up, was thinking to buy Asus ZenFone 6 around $920. No way now.

  • Same experience as OP but luckily for a low value item. It is less about the cost to me at this point and more about Gearbest falsely advertising shipping insurance.

    Do not buy from them unless you like being given the run around.

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