Use code PEOFY for 20% off.
Looks like there are other pillows in the range available too.
Use code PEOFY for 20% off.
Looks like there are other pillows in the range available too.
I've used the soft feel pillow for years and I wouldn't buy anything else.
I am a front sleeper, though it's comfortable in any position.
I first got the classic pillow, which was fine for front sleeping, but the soft feel one is better.
Dunlopillos appear to be the new eneloops of the new millennium…
What are the differences between the classic/medium/firm feel? I'm a side sleeper, should I go for firm feel?
After my high profile/ medium density gave up the ghost (it took a decade) I bought two low profile/ medium density pillows. After a few months I started to feel pain in my shoulders from the downwards pressure and lack of support, and my neck was always aching (I'm a side sleeper). Two or three years later I was dreading going to bed. A couple of weeks ago I bought two of the Dunlopillo high/medium, similar to what I'd had before but without the groove/indentation (just a normal pillow shape). At first, it seemed too high and I thought I wasted the money I spent but by the second night I was in heaven and now I look forward to going to bed. My shoulders are less sore, a noticeable difference in only two weeks and no neck aches. Loving them.
I don't know what the classic are like. I bought two for my mum but she thought they were too low, so we got her the medium profile (she's using the classics for "décor pillows" - yeah, thanks mum, I would've just bought some gusseted Tontine's and saved a hundred bucks, lol). I guess it all depends on your physique. Consider the distance between the bed and where your head rests on the pillow. You want a pillow that won't cause an incline between your head and neck. For back or front sleepers I couldn't say, but I noticed the ones I bought were good for the odd moment of back sleeping. In saying that, an incline would be less of a concern for a back sleeper (i.e. sleeping on your back) provided it isn't going to put strain on your neck.
Thanks for the detail feedback. Since the medium feel is out of stock, and I've always like my pillow a bit firm so I'm going to take a punt and go for high profile firm, will see how it goes.
You're welcome. I made a mistake, though. I bought the pillows from the seller in the link I provided and the classics from Planet Linen Online because they were slightly cheaper. They still have the high/medium, 20% off using the PEOFY code. Good luck.
Oh, I forgot to mention… being that I bought a double pack, the pillows were not covered in plastic which I didn't like (they were from this seller), they just came in the outer zip-up packaging. If anyone out there has bought a twin pack and they were each plastic-wrapped, I'd love to know).
I'm keen to try a high profile /medium feel but they always seem to be the one sold out on these listings!
This seller seems to have the pillow you want and it seems to be the same price and the 20% code works.
Thanks, grabbed one. After having a few horrible sleeps these last few nights, I hope this is good for me!
Yes, they are still available from the seller i2295 mentioned. It's the same seller I bought them from and they arrived within a couple of days.
Are latex pillows any good for front sleepers? I always thought that they were only good for people who slept on their sides?