• out of stock

PlayStation Bathrobe $39.95 + Delivery @ The Gamesmen


Need clothes that will impress house guests? Struggling to find something to wear down the shops? Need to show someone who's boss while on the way to the shower? Say no more. This bathrobe is the ideal garment for just about every situation, and the PlayStation logo puts the "throb" in "bathrobe".

One size fits all. Postage to me is $10, but that might be more for other locations. Amazon.com.au has it for $54.95 with free delivery. Seems sold out in most places.

I didn't buy one but I thought someone somewhere might like this.

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The Gamesmen
The Gamesmen

closed Comments

  • +36

    Fantastic description!

  • Perfect cloths to hook up cats in club!

    • +2

      "Perfect cloths to hook up cucks in the club!"

      I fixed it for you

      • +17

        My wife's boyfriend is ALWAYS borrowing my PlayStation bathrobe. I recommend.

        • +3

          You sure he is only borrowing the robe?

        • Can I borrow the robe as well?

  • +6

    Perfect for flashing.

    • +7

      Is that you Rolfe?

      • I apologize but I do not get the reference ..

  • Perfect for embarrassing yourself when you are 40 years old.

    • +5

      Good thing I’m not 40 then.

      • +9

        Good thing I'm past 40 then.

    • +4

      I turn 34 on Sunday. What will possibly change in 6 years?

      • that you'll go on diet for sure this time?

    • +1

      Perfect for gaming sessions when you're 40 years old and over!

  • +3

    Still better than DC comics costumes

  • +15

    Is this the Pro version ?

    • +12

      Still waiting for the Slim version personally.

  • +4

    whispers playstation whispers

    • +2

      <Japanese accent> Praystayseeyon </Japanese accent> <PS humming sound>

  • +1

    Can't wait to wear it and hold this

  • must. resist. bargain.

  • +9

    This bathrobe allows easy access to my joystick while I watch some VR adult entertainment. Recommended.

  • +3

    Anyone know if this is V1 or V2?

  • +2

    Even though it's winter. I prefer my PORN HUB T SHIRT gets me a whole lot of attention :)

  • +8

    You want the white one so it doesn’t show stains.

  • annnnddddd,goooone!!

  • +32

    Out of all things during PlayStations Days of Play, this is the product that attracted the most attention, and it's not even apart of the sale. We appreciate the quality post my friend. A true hero of The Gamesmen.

    P.S. Even though it has sold out and says out of stock, there are a few more left from supplier we can grab if the people still require a stylish and accessible bathrobe. Add 1 to cart and we will send them out in a few working days.

    The Robesmen

    • +1

      How can you add one now when it's "no longer available"?

      • their website does amazing things, specially during sales.

    • how ?

  • This is perfect if you wanna be the "dude".

  • One Size Fits All - I highly doubt this is correct when the target market is gamers

    • It does look a little large for that 10 year old from Fortnite who claimed to be my mother's new boyfriend.

  • ooh.. playstation Four (play)?

  • how to increase your nerd mana lvl

  • My dog ate the drawstring of my current bathrobe. He didn't chew it all the way through; there's just that unevenness I feel as I tie it. His bite marks in the otherwise smooth and fluffy fabric. Not even buying this PlayStation bathrobe. I don't know, just I thought I should share that.

    • +3

      Tell us more about your dog.

      • +11

        His name is Mozart. He's a smooth haired dachshund with a chocolate and tan coat. I guess he's reaching middle age these days cause he's a bit more discerning with what he chooses to chew. No longer content to randomly destroy whether garbage or Gucci (or target as is the case with my bathrobe).
        He's a good boy, but I guess he must be a bit lonely when we're all out at work. We're thinking to get him a little missus so they can sleep in a dachshund ball and keep each other warm.

        You got a little buddy?

        • +1

          I don't know why I read this

          • +2

            @Mixhael: Sure, it might have taken you some time to read. But they payoff was at the end, when you got that visual of two dachshunds sleeping together in a comfy ball shape.

        • +1

          Thank you sir, for a good laugh.

  • Can't I just stick a Playstation logo on my current bathrobe and achieve the same thing?

    • +1

      Not the same.

  • Hey OP got the amazon link? cannot find

    • I looked too, could only see a listing for $153 something.

      If anyone has a link to it, even if it's slightly more expensive, please let me know!

      • I double checked on saturday morning with gamesmen over the phone they said they had none left and also sent me an email today saying the same.

        edit: if ya really keen $20 USD

        • A onesie? Cute, but don’t think it’s for me.

          Thanks though!

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