Car Allowance & Car Lease Confusion!

Turning to my trusted forum experts for some knowledge. This is an area I can't seem to wrap my head around.

When I joined my company in 2016, I asked for a package with car allowance - $85000 inclusive of super and inclusive of $10,000 as car allowance.

A year ago, I purcahsed a new car under Novated lease!

My pay slip shows Car allowance before tax listed under Allowances along with Novated lease before tax and after tax.

Does having both car allowance and novated lease cause any possible tax issues? or

Should I get my employer to remove the car allowance component and add it to my normal wage?

My research led me to this article:…



  • +3

    Tax related questions really need to go to a tax expert, there is always so many different variable and considering the possible implication of advice you receive in an open forum I wouldn't risk it.

  • Entire post / thread is confusing

  • +1

    id say pay a few bucks to go to see an accountant our expertise extends as far as google search results

  • If you get your car allowance removed and added to your wage, does the employer then have to pay super on that?

    • Yes.

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