This was posted 5 years 8 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4] Days Gone $55 Delivered @ Amazon AU

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Amazon getting in on the action as expected. A bit cheaper than Big W if you can wait for delivery.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +2

    I knew they would jump in the days of play train earlier.

    Amazing how amazon helped me to buy a lot of gaming stuff.

  • +2

    I think I can wait for $30. I have waited for years for it to come out and then I was away for 2 months when it was released so what's another 6 months or so.

  • Reviews are mixed, is it worth jumping on this now? I'm happy to be patient if it's an alright experience and going to drop to $30ish…

    • Easily an 8.5/10 for me. Great game.

    • +5

      I just finished it last night. Overall I really liked it, but I wouldn't say it is "you need to play this now" material, but I think it's definitely worth picking up at some stage for sure. I'm hoping they will do some dlc with a new region, that would be awesome.

    • Only if you want to play an open world zombie game. Good game but not great.

  • Nice game. Currently playing

  • I think this game is just OK , I played about half way through got bored. I would wait for bargain bin

    • What got boring for you?

    • It does puck up quickly, it only got good for me towards the end. Still not great, but good fun!

  • -4

    According to the reviews, this game should be $5.

  • -4

    Don't listen to anyone's crap.This is among one of the best games this year. The story is awesome hordes are best part. Most of the bugs are cleaned now. In my time with game I haven't faced any glitches.Give this game a bit of time and you will never know you started in night and finishing in morning playing it. It hooks you once you pass 10-15hrs.Bike is mind blowing it's just like boozer:) your best buddy. I suggest all pick it don't listen to will have blast.This game will be voted as best game by users.

    • +4

      "Don't listen to anyone's crap" and then proceeds to tell you what to listen to ;)

  • I have played about 12 hours since release and it didn't "grab me". I'll give it another go but I'm burnt out by these open world "Ubisoft" style clear the bandit camp and collectathons.

    • This. Is this just another FarCreeDogs reskin or is this a completely different game?

      • Different game altogether, he's just talking about the game mechanics

      • +2

        This isn't an Ubisoft game. The developer is Bend Studios. A lot of the games this decade have been big open world sandboxes. They have to 'copy and paste' content to fill up the sandbox and not blow out the games budget and development time. That's why all these games have "clear the bandit camp" dozens of times, or "collect all the back packs". They're like all you can eat buffets where the dishes are all okay but nothing's incredible. I've actually been seeking out more linear games that can be completed on 12 hours or less as my attention span and patience for these sandbox games is shrinking rapidly. I'm even excited for Call of duty Modern Warfare 4 just for the 5 hour campaign. I want the game to deliver the goods promptly and not have me work through busy work to get to the meat of the sandwich.

        • The Witcher 3 gave us the size and content of these open world games but with unique stories and events. Which is why I'm stoked for CP2077.

          • +1

            @FabMan: Witcher 3 is definitely an exceptional open world game that has set standard pretty high.

          • @FabMan: But the missions were often the same in TW3, yes they added some different character giving some dialogue but you did the same thing.

            • @[Deactivated]: You aren't wrong, but something I loved about Witcher 3 on Hard mode is that you need (well I did) to use the right potions, equipment and strategies depending on the enemy. But even then its typically limited to sword attacks the vast majority of the time, but in Mario you jump, in God of War you spam attack and in Tetris you rotate. So its how most games work I think.

        • This.

          Bring back linear, well thought out gaming.

          And FFS, kill off weapon crafting and alchemy. It was original the first time now it's boring as bat shite and dullsville level grindy.

  • Holding out for The Last of Us 2 later this year

    • That's going to be stellar.

  • Story is pretty shit and characters aren't the best, the map is also pretty small by today's standards (rdr2 and spiderman) but the zombies are amazing and taking out hordes is alright, I'd probably like it more if I paid $20 for it on sale

  • Anyone know if this is the Days of Play PS store sale price or if its something else?…

    I see nothing listed on the PS store for Days of Play.

    Only looking to buy off the store as I have some gifted credit.

    • +1

      That will be the sale price for days of play.

  • +2

    The price has dropped to $49! Resisting is getting hard.

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