Facebook account randomy re-activated - have I been hacked?

The other day I received an email stating "Welcome back to Facebook" - I deactivated my Facebook almost 5 years ago.

I logged on using my email and password (hoping it would work and it did) and went into the security log where it said a log in was made in Vic (I am in SA).

I changed my FB password and then deleted my account (have to wait up to 30 days)

Is there anything else I should do?

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  • +1

    Change your email password and check login history.

  • +2

    Make sure your password-email isn't used somewhere else? Maybe check haveibeenpwned site, or firefox monitor for breaches https://monitor.firefox.com/

    I have a feeling a breach released recently on something? Because people have been spammed with the "I know your password" email quite a lot the past while.

    Could of been an auto login though? Most of the time Vic comes up because you're using mobile internet of some sort (my phone in SA used to always say Vic as well for location). Or I'd imagine an Aus vpn being either sydney or melb (possibly so facebook doesn't flag an out of country ip).

    • It says I have been pwned on 1 breach site, what do I do from here?

      The firefox link tells me that there was a breach with MyFitnessPal which I haven't used for many years

      • Have a look on what it says was breached, if its username and password, ensure that anywhere that uses that password is not used anywhere else, especially not banks (where you have money), email (because most of the time you can get access back to account through your email), social accounts (because hackers typically try to grab your facebook/instagram/twitter to send out dodgy URLs).

        • +1

          it says passwords, emails and IP addresses were breached through MyFitnessPal

          • @Heracles26: Make sure any password you have which is the same as the one you used with Myfitnesspal & facebook is changed

  • +7

    Ah Facebook, the cancer that keeps on giving cancer.

  • +1

    Check the have I been pwned site as well

  • Any chance you had the p/w saved on an old computer or tablet or phone which was given/sold to someone else?

    • No chance, haven't sold anything!

  • Is the facebook account connected to a mobile phone number you no longer own? If so, remove it from your account immediately.

    I had access to 2 Facebook accounts from deals such as this because the facebook account was still connect to the mobile number that I now owned.

    • No my FB was connected with any phone number, just 2 emails

      I think it is my older email that I haven't attempted to log in to for many years that was breached

  • +6

    Probably another ****tarded scheme to inflate user numbers given this companies previous record of constantly decieving people.

  • Have you used facebook to log in to something?
    An app, a website?
    Mine was reactivated after using my Facebook to log into a mobile phone game.

  • Did the Vic login address show an IP address? Looked up the IP address?
    FB is the one place to use a very strong password.

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