The Original Digestive 400 gm for 1.87$
Found this at ALDI Brandon Park
The Original Digestive 400 gm for 1.87$
Found this at ALDI Brandon Park
This is not ALDI's brand product mate…
read carefully buddy, digestive is worldwide known brand.
sometimes ALDI also sell world's number 1 brand which you can't find at coles or woolworths
Also confirmed at Aldi Garden City, QLD
They should be at all stores for their "British Week".
Pretty sure I saw the chocolate ones for $1.75 in Woollies yesterday.
Confirmed at ALDI near Adelaide Airport when I stocked up at the weekend….nom nom nom!
Its part of last weeks 'English' week promotion. Same every year around the Queens Birthday weekend.
Lots of other 'healthy' treats available too unless the expats have already raided the stores.
Wish they'd stock the UK Weetabix equivalent; best brekky cereal in the known world.
It's $1.85 at Woolies this week. Cheaper by a few cents.
The chocolate coated ones are the same price. Picked up a few on Saturday.