Suggestions for Good Home Loan - Variable, with Offset Account Facility, Free Re-Draw and Good Credit Card Facility Package

suggestions for Good home loan - variable, with offset account facility, free re-draw and good credit card facility package.


  • +1

    There are few deals on home loan on this website in last couple of weeks. Did you search and check ?

  • +4

    Account created 12 mins ago

    • -1


      Why do people dwell on this?

      • +2

        DisabledUser98964687 in 3..2…1

        • Sometimes, sure.

          But a lot of long time lurkers of the site register eventually to post a forum topic. I don't see it as unusual or anything.

  • Commonwealth

    EDIT: Elaboration: It sounds like you want a high-feature top-end sort of package rather than a discount one. CBA have these sorts of account and are, IMHO, good value for money. I've researched packages (a year or so back) and found CBA the best at that time.

  • Curious why you’d need redraw and credit card if you have a 100% Offset?

    • Maybe points. CUA platinum credit cards annual fee is free if you have a home loan. They also have redraw and offset.

  • Commonwealth & Suncorp. They both have multiple offsets and credit card.

    I eventually went with CBA last year.

  • As a broker I would suggest taking a loan with a Offset facility instead of Redraw facility. In addition to the future potential tax implications for redraw facility(if used for Inv prop) any redraw of funds is generally subject to banks approval as well. Why not keep the money with you?
    There are good rates with many lenders even giving cashbacks. Most home loan packages with tier- and 2 lenders come with credit cards as well.

    It all depends on what are the needs and how you want to structure the loans(is it interest saving, xcollaterising to maximise discount on rates or maximising return on investment or tax savings etc etc)

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