Car Insurance but Not Insured for about 10 Years

Hey Guys,

Will get straight to the point.. I've been driving my current car for about 7 years and never bothered to take car insurance out on it (Not even third party property insurance). I know this is stupid, but i literally just kept on saying to myself "I will get around to it" but never did. Suffice to say after hearing a story about a friend of mine getting out of a major jam when he was at fault in a traffic accident, it has now given me motivation to actually pull my finger out this week and sort this out.

So I rang Iselect, & they basically implied that because I've not had insurance for so long that I would be considered a rating 6, even though in 10 years I've never been envolved in a car crash (Much less been responsible). Googling this it seems that insurance companies take into consideration your claim history & if you have not had insurance some take into consideration your driving record within any incidents instead..

Im only after third party property insurance. Does anyone have any recommendations for insurance companies that look at track record more so than claims being made in your driving history?


  • +7

    Why phone? Every insurer offers online quoting systems. Try a few and compare. Or use sites like "compare the market" etc

    • I have looked at that.. Alot mainly just ask "who was your previous or current insurance company".. My previous insurance company (about 10 years ago) was RACV. But talking to Iselect they state if you don't have insraunce for about 1 year you go back down to a rating 6..

      I am not sure if I just state previous insurer being RACV will be ok.. That being said there is nothing further stating how long ago were you insured.. This was the case on Budget Direct online quote site.

      • +4

        I just did a dummy online quote through RAC, didn't ask me that question, just the usual accident one for the last 3yrs. Answered no and got maximum NCB.


        As I said, look around, there's many options

        Besides, I can't imagine your rating having a huge effect on pricing on 3rd party property. My dummy quote was a $40k car, and insurance was under $200/yr…

        • +1

          This, pick pretty much any, 3rd party is not expensive, just get one.

  • Forget iSelect. There are insurers who will put you on a rating 1 based purely on questions on driving history.

  • Forget iSelect, just get quotes from each major insurers' websites. They'll ask you your most recent insurer and they all have "No previous insurer" somewhere in the menu (you might have to scroll down to the bottom). TPPD will be cheap if you're of the age where you would prefer to phone up someone rather than get the computer to do the work for you.

  • +2

    Not Insured for about 10 Years

    Lemme grab my popcorns and a jar of vegemite.

    • Username doesn’t check out… eww

  • Budget Direct, jump on their site for a quote.

  • If you go to proper insurers (I.e. not your budget directs and the likes who are really just A&G brands), they will allocate you a rating based on your 10 years experience, rather than the number of years you actually had insurance.

    Try RACV, Allianz, GIO, AAMI, QBE, etc.

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