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Samsung Galaxy S II for $768, Possible $718

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The samsung galaxy s2 can be had with vodafone on the $29 cap across 12 months +$35 per month. Thats $768 all up for 12 months. plus you get $50 credit bringing it down to $718.

Plus you get a free leather case valued at $34if u preorder by 9 june
Much cheaper than other deals, not to mention you get $180 of cap credit/month

It may also include a $50 off even though the terms and conditions say otherwise. when you add it to your cart, it adds the $50 off online offer.

Referral Links

Referral: random (37)

Referrer & referee receive $25-$50 credit after referee's 3rd monthly bill.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    in b4 vodafail

    • +2

      if i could remind you, they added another band ,850Mhz, into their network (yes thats next g's band) and this phone will utilise the extra band too. Actually rolling this phone on vodafone, really MIGHT help their problem atm. I dont have 850Mhz handset, so i dont know the performance on that band.

  • -3

    inb4 wait for iphone 5

    • -1

      i will do samsung galaxy s3 then. already confirm it will be out by early next year 2012. Just after iphone 5 is out then, since iphone 5 is rumoured for Sept.

      • -2

        iPhone 4S is coming out this year. iPhone 5 is rumoured to release in Q3/Q4 2012.

        • either way, just next iphone is what i mean.

      • so the next galaxy s will come out in less than a year? that's even shorter than iphone's timelines.

        • thats how fast technology is moving tho. apple never pick up the latest technology, for them, service and user experience is more important. pick your poison i guess

    • +1

      yeh and iphone 6 will come out 6 months after that…

      • maybe even 3 months ;)

      • +2

        but how many geebeez? and will it have the wifiz?

    • +2

      Take your iPhone fanboy remarks elsewhere.

    • +3

      does anyone on this site actually know what inb4 means?

      • -5

        no , they are normal people.

        not like those 4chan fags.

        inb4 neg votes

  • where did you get this info? i been looking all the vodafone website and couldnt find

  • any info on if this is gonna be on 3 as well.

  • Perfect!……

  • 3 and voda are same, if you r a 3 customer then you can go to voda..

  • The $50 credit does not apply to the $29 plan with 12 month contract, only 24 months.

    • yes it does. have a look at the 12 month $29 cap. its got the $50 off ur bill

      • I wouldn't count on it applying even if it says it. Its vodafail after all. But its a great deal nevertheless. Current upfront from telechoice is $768, this is cheaper and comes with phone calls. If you don't like vodafone just don't port over your number an use the extra sim as backup or something.

    • +2

      **$50 Bonus Credit offer available to customers who sign up to a 12 or 24 month contract online (excluding the $19 Cap, $29 Cap over 12 months, iPhone plans and mobile broadband plans). $50 credit will be applied to your 3rd bill and any remaining credit will continue to be applied to subsequent bills until $50 credit is exhausted. Not available with any other offer, not transferable and not redeemable for cash.

      • i have edited it till some1 can confirm or deny. cuz if you add it to ur cart it does add the $50 off.

        • just ordered one
          $50 credit does apply to $29 cap!

          thanks OP

          P.S if you're already an VF customer, you get another 10% off on 2nd post-paid contract (but only on the cap price not the handset re-payment fee)!
          But you need to call up.

          still top deal, as it will cost the same to import and this is local stock+warranty.

  • hahaa i like this….nearly 100 bucks drop after what? a month?

    edit: my bad, this is over the contract

  • The $50 credit has a ** next to it so you gotta read the **. Phone is $768 cos plan doesn't include $50 saving.

  • +1

    bs vodafone!!
    y didnt they announce it earlier? pre-sale.. for what.. 4 days?!?!?!

  • -6

    I got unlimited calls and voicemails etc and 5gb data on the Optus $99 plan.
    Picked up phone from Telechoice.
    Screw waiting another month

  • +2

    Hmmm…. after being with Three and Optus for 2 years each

    I'm going with Telstra this time

    I hope Telstra's plan is not too expensive

    • Keep HOPING donk

  • +1

    Tempting if the $50 off applies

    • take a screen shot of ur cart with the $50 in there. so if its a problem later u can always show it to them.

      • Probably not worth the trouble, wait hours in a call.. getting transferred all over the place… and then they tell you its not applicable. Just for a possible $50 saving.

        Trust been through it before.

  • does SGS2 really wins over desire HD and Iphone4 ?

    • +8

      yes, better screen, dual core processor, more flexibility than the iphone4 in terms of stuff you want to do, and a lot more.

      read the review on engadget, pretty comprehensive.

      • thought iphone had higher res screen.

        btw i am droid fanboi.

        • iPhone 4 has higher res (higher than any other phone), but the SGS2 has an SAMOLED+ screen which offers better contrast, colour and battery life.

    • +2

      hands down!

    • +3

      Does it have the wifiz?

    • +1

      Reality distortion field is too strong with this one. Turn it down to 9.

    • +1

      That must be why every second iPhone4 I see has a cracked screen lol, ultra-durable build quality!!

      • no, just very ugly user(s).

    • +2


    • Yeah like an alarm clock that still doesn't work properly lol…

  • +8

    Can we for once NOT let this turn into an apple iOS vs Android battle? Sick to death of all the fanboys out there negging every comment because its about the other OS. Why dont people appreciate that different people enjoy different aspects?

    • -6

      OH but its funny!!

    • People are negging comments when they obviously have nothing to do with anything, not replying to anyone, not contributing to the discussion and are just obvious flamebait.

  • +1 Ofcourse!!!!!

  • Does anyone know if the free 3-to-3 calls would also apply to 3-to-Vodafone?

    • Yes, on new plans. And vodafone call 3 free too.

      • on vodafone, 3-3 3-voda is uselss cos for 45$ u get unlimted calls to any mobile or landline in aus anyways. only if ur on 29$ cap it mite be relevent

  • vodafone realy improved its service in VICTORIA! bravo

  • 3 and voda and merging now.

    • theyve merged about a yr ago but they still use seperate infrastucture.. soon the will combine infrastacture. hopefully that will result in mre complete coverge for customers

  • Don't forget the $84 cashback from moneybackco making it $634!!! (for those who've already paid the $10 annual fee)

    • Some one mention moneybackco deal need a drive license. Is that true?

    • NRMA/SYCS too.

      • does moneyback only work only for new customers or even for existing?

    • OK I am going to use moneybackco for this, hope it works!

      Also I noticed in the T&C it says unlocking fee applies. Does anyone know exactly how much that is and why they are charging an unlock fee? Aren't android phones unlocked already?

    • Vodafone seems to have two different checkout methods.

      Moneybackco takes you to 'store.vodafone.com.au' which has a different ordering interface to 'shop.vodafone.com.au' and doesn't have the pre-order Galaxy S II as an option.

      You can then navigate to shop.vodafone.com.au by clicking 'Home', but is this likely to effect tracking of referrals and hence getting your $84 from moneybackco?

  • Pretty sweet deal!

    The Galaxy 2 looks amazing.

  • I just called up to order this phone on a 12 month $29 plan but the guy said that at this moment (for preorder) they can only do 24 month contract??? WTF???

    • Hey why don't you just order online rather than through phone?

  • +1

    http://www.handtec.co.uk/product.php/4203/samsung-galaxy-s-i… - doesn't require a plan and is about the same price.

    going by XE.com 409.99 GBP = 630.531 AUD

      • delivery makes it $700
        pay a bit more and get local warranty….
      • also have to pay 10% GST ?

      • +1

        Actually its $436 pounds total, which is $670 Delivered via DHL 2-5days. and no we dont pay gst, that is only products bought from Australia. we dont pay VAT either

    • Hmm am I missing something here? You can get it for $718 here which INCLUDES a 12 month $29 plan….why would you pay $630 just for a phone? Okay, so if you have a plan already or use prepaid, why not give this new plan to a family member for free or sell to a friend for like $20 a month???

      They don't call me 'Hou' (Very) 'Paeng' (Cheap) for nothing!

      • Hao pian in Mandarin rite? A bit off topic but ur id caught my attention. First word is Cantonese but the second does not seem to be?

        • Haha, it's Cantonese, you're right. Always a challenge of how to transliterate to English. 'Paeng' is cheap. As a bit of trivia, the word 'paeng' in Thai means expensive! Go figure!

      • +1

        Technically, it's $768, not $718. There could be a few reasons, such as don't want to stay with Vodafone. The $29 cap may also not be suitable for everyone.

        A story to share, in a distant past I did something similar where I pass a mobile phone plan to a friend. End up, he clock more than budgeted and guess what it's under my name so there's not a huge incentive for him to pay me back and it was so difficult to get the money back. The caveat is beware when you're chasing after these savings.

        • hey I hear what you're saying…definitely trust is an issue as there are a lot of dodgy people around…even those we know!

          I am getting my father to take the plan, I pay for the phone, and subsidize his plan, and everyone is happy!

          just get someone who wants the plan at a discount, they sign up, you pay them!

  • For Desire HD owners, is the G2 really that much lighter? Because this is tempting with all the other specs as is.

    • It's lighter and smaller but feels 'denser' if that makes any sense.

      • G2? lool

  • I wonder will the screen burn-in issue be a bit less with SGS2's super amoled plus…

  • Thought the price is outright.

  • -2

    Meh, I've seen it cheap at clove.co.uk, was $689 outright when my friend bought it 1 month ago, maybe it's higher now I don't know.

    • can't really compare Australian stock with overseas. Every thing is cheaper overseas, which is common knowledge. However if it breaks, what happens? spend $50 to courier the phone back to UK?

      • -1

        First, absolutely no idea who you deal with that it charges you $50.

        Secondly, certain phone companies overseas have special warranty deals where they will pay for shipment if anything goes wrong. You've just got to know where to buy from, who has those deals, and be able to trust them. I've bought my last 3 phones from overseas and none have had problems but I've made sure to get those deals.

        Yes Yes I know you can't 'trust' anyone overseas.. but whenthey have a proper store as well overseas, makes it a little easier.

  • Also not sure if its been mentioned but on my last Voda bill it had get 10% off on a 2nd contract you take out under your name. Now would that mean you would get the above deal for another further 10% off? And if so would that be only until you hold 2 accounts with Voda? i.e. if your older plan finished up would they still honour the 10% off the SGS II plan.

    I believe 10% should also include 10% off insurance and handset repayments. That would make this a great bargain and with MBC the total price would be closer to ~$500. I am considering doing it and paying out or selling my current SGS.

    • ur being greedy now. :p

      • +1

        You guys are like swiss army knife. Any more tricks before I place my order

  • Tempting, wish I can stack 10% off NRMA/RACV disc with 10% 2nd post paid disc. ;P

  • Can someone confirm if:

    1) I join Money Back Co tonight i can claim the cash back on this deal?

    2) Is the NRMA/RACV discount available on this deal somehow?


    • I'm not (yet) a MBC member, but I'm curious on 1) too… on the MBC website under Vodafone it has:

      Moneyback available:
      Handset plan - $84
      Handset Prepaid - 10%

      Does this mean you get $84 off rather than the 10%??

      • +1


        • Cool thanks :)

          (and only now do I notice you posted that further up the comments chains… doh!)

  • I talked to vodafone live chat about unlocking and RACQ discount on the $29/12 cap. They said it was too early to tell if there was an unlocking fee or not (best that could say was maybe either way) and that the motoring club discount only works from the motoring club website and if its not on that website then there is no discount.

  • Moneybackco took me to the Vodafone website but I couldn't find the Galaxy S II in the window. So in the search bar, I typed "Galaxy S II" and found the page I can pre-order. By doing this, does anybody know if Moneybackco is still able to track my order? I hope it worked…

    • +2

      Just received an email from Moneybackco saying that the transaction record has been added :-)

      • So you got $50 + $84 which make this phone become $634?
        1. Can I still apply the NRMA into it? or only 1 of them? Asking too much ;P
        2. How is the Moneybackco works? there's not much information on their site.

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