Was $2.69 now reduced to $1.99
Always thought these were good value at $2.69 and now even better!
Spaghetti and Macaroni also reduced to $1.99
Was $2.69 now reduced to $1.99
Always thought these were good value at $2.69 and now even better!
Spaghetti and Macaroni also reduced to $1.99
Better then natural flavours. Who knows what filthy environment they have been living in. At least artificial flavours come from a hygenic laboratory.
Voted for the humour
Anyone know how many calories these are?
It actually does NOT taste like trash. This is the perfect emergency dinner for us & tastes great for microwave (not to mention for $1.99)
I just had some, and it was delicious. Just a little spicy, in a good way.
Easily much better than pies, pizza, or any other frozen meal in the same price bracket.
I'm considering buying a dozen to keep for odd occasions. Only downside is the cook time. To really get the best results, you have to cook it in a steamer, and that takes half an hour at least.
@outlander: I'm half intrigued and half disgusted. Who buys a $2 instant meal to cook it properly? But interested to see what it tastes like! Takes me less than 30 to do a spice tailor curry.
544 calories according to the box
4 a day $7.96, life sorted.
3 if dieting, but don't forget your micronutrients.
Thanks, that sounds good. I'm tired of frozen meals which are only 300 calories, have to eat two just to feel full. ~500 calories is a nice round number for meal planning too.
I think fibre is better at making you feel full not just calories.
Taste good. Surprisingly so.
These have been reduced for a month btw.
Also frozen pies and sausage rolls now 99c.
Lasagne is $2.25 for 400g.
The butter chicken is alright for $2, and the lasagne at $2.25 is nice enough but give the spaghetti bol and Mac N Cheese a miss.
The individual microwave Pies and Sausage Rolls are Mrs Macs. Coles often had them for $1.12. So I guess Aldi 'negotiated' a better deal.
Also bought McCain Man Size Butter Chicken 500g on special at Coles for $6. Have not tried it yet in comparison. So you could get 3 of Aldi's Butter Chicken would be 1125g Super Man Size!
Wonder when the uber eats riders will hang around aldi so I can order cheap meals …just microwave.
Better than 7-Eleven on price and quality. Was surprisingly edible!
Black and Gold frozen lasagne is the best value to taste single serve available.
Wow I thought I was the only one, love those things, the 750 gram one for under $5 is the best
How many chicken per a meal?
How many butter?
How many rice?
Had one of these on the weekend as a quick meal. Tasted fine and the rice was good. The pieces of chicken are chopped up very small, but hey, for $1.99 I'm not complaining.
The pieces of chicken are chopped up very small
You need to say "mechanically separated" chicken to get my taste-buds humming.
They're chopped up small because they're the leftover bits after they've taken off all the whole bits of meat from the chicken.
Prefer to raid Coles for cheap meals, they have been improving their markdown pricing lately and I can often pick up $5-$10 meals for ~$1 each, as well as iced coffees for about 40 cents and various other bargains.
I'm always raiding coles for their specials and have never seen frozen meals under $2. Maybe those are manager specials?
Not frozen meals, fresh ones. Coles vary, but some do deep discounts on their markdowns, you just gotta go at the right times. I picked up 2kg of free range chicken breast recently for $1.40, and a huge box of croissants for $2.
Store policy varies from place to place. If you live near a coles who do these deep discounts you're lucky.
@0jay: Yep, my Coles used to have really good discounts on "old" meat. Now it's rare to see better than 20% discount even on the day of best before/use by.
Sometimes they have 50% off On The Menu meals which makes them $1.50 but the portions are so small that i need 2 to fill me up per meal.
What I like to do is get their fresh quiches etc (near the chickens) that are normally like $4.50 during the day but come 7pm are marked to 30 cents.
Yeah see that’s just downright boastful.
Even more so than this?
I picked up 2kg of free range chicken breast recently for $1.40, and a huge box of croissants for $2.
How much protein (g) is in them?
has anyone eat from International Queef? What it taste and smell like?
I don't think your 'Queef' means what Google thinks 'Queef' means.
Google interested in kink, me food.
Exotic and aromatic.
Fish or chicken?
Wrong hole…
What is international queef?
Good question…
Has been this price at my local aldi for over a month I normally grab a couple a week as they are good value.
These are frozen right? How do they compare to the Coles branded fresh butter chicken and rice?
I like the coles one much better than the aldi one, but they are $5
Woolies butter chicken is $3 and isn't bad. The rice isn't Basmati which is a plus or minus taste wise depending on your preference (but a little less healthy). My family prefers the Woolies to Coles.
Aldi (at least the one near me) also do fresh butter chicken (can either get a single serve with rice, or a larger one without rice and grab some 90 second microwave rice) which I find quite nice, not too far off decent food court butter chicken IMO - much better (and significantly better value) than the woolies fresh butter chicken. Haven't tried the coles ones to compare though.
Does anyone know how much salt per serving a box has?
829mg of sodium according to my Google-Fu.
Sodium and chloride ion content ratio of salt is normally about 40:60, so 1243.5mg of chloride giving a total salt content of 2072.5mg (2.0725g).
So much for me buying a whole bunch for having 2 per work lunch/meal.
Ooof that's a lot of salt!
Is this a permanent price reduction or just specials?
Wondering the same
Permanent price reduction. Already been happening for about a month.
Same with the 99c sausage rolls/pies I mentioned above.
Aldi’s World Foods range in the fridge (not frozen) is also fantastic. Tried the green Thai curry the other day. There’s also a butter chicken.
About $10 enough for 2-3 servings you just prepare your own rice or noodles
Is the curry just microwaved or do you have to cook it?
Highly recommended!
Made in China? I wonder if Aldi is selling this at a loss or ingredients are just super low quality.
It's not made in China
Wow someone tag brokeasianbum
Your the real mvp.
Got several of these a month ago at this price, they're great.
I often take these to work. Great value at 2.69 and shocked at the price cut! Happy days
I used to eat these, and the coles ones, but frankly making your own is 200x better. Yes, 200x. The recipe from tineats (https://www.recipetineats.com/butter-chicken/) is very good and probably comes out much cheaper per serve. Yes it's an overnight marinade but the flavor really penetrates the chicken and you end up with tender flavorful pieces. I use breast since it's cheaper but thigh would probably be even better. I also use the cheapest passata, cheapest pouring cream and substitute powdered ginger for fresh and it's still the bomb. Also, make sure you use basmati rice and cook it via absorption.
you had me at penetrate
butter me up ;)
How long does it take to make though I’m lazy
I find most of my time goes into washing dishes. 10 mins to cut up chicken, toss in yoghurt and the 6 teaspoons of spices.I put in 1.5/2x the spices because I want it to really kick me in the face. Then after 1 day in the fridge, rinse 1.5 cups basmati rice to remove starch and add it to a pot with 3 cups water- bring to boil then lower to simmer. This is enough rice for 3/4 people. At the same time, chuck the whole chicken marinade mixture-do not discard the marinade as the recipe suggests, chuck it all in- into a fry pan and cook on medium for 10 mins- i like to blast it with heat near the end, since i like the burned flavor and color on some pieces. Then throw in passata and cream, simmer for another 10 minutes and you're done, rice should also be ready by now. Careful not to burn the rice. Also i've tried this with those ready made jar marinades and they're a joke. You end up with dry white chicken floating in a sea of red sauce haha
Yeah I’ve done that as well. Chop up chicken and just dump it in the frypan along with a bottle of sauce. Tastes awful - Literally zero flavour penetration. The sauce might as well have been dipping sauce.
While I have everybody here what does everybody think of this
Coles Macaroni Cheese Bake 1.8kg
everyday product
$5.56 per 1KG
Thinking of trying one and eating it over 3 days with a bit of Tabasco sauce and maybe some pepper.
Seems like good value.
What would you specifically like comments about?
Price? Nutrition?
If you want to eat this over 3 days at $3.33 per day then go for it. It has no vegetables and isn't amazingly balanced in terms of food groups. You have to bake it for 50 minutes so it's not exactly convenient.
It appears to have negligible amounts of cheese in it. 46% bechamel sauce which is 828g of the 1.8kg weight. Cheese content of the sauce is 6% cheddar (around 50g), 3% mozzarella (around 25g) and 2.5% parmesan (around 20g). So just under 100g of cheese in a 1.8kg dish that contains the word cheese in its name when it has around 5.5% cheese content.
500g of dry macaroni can be bought for about $1 which will weigh over 1kg when cooked. Given that this dish is 54% macaroni, that means there's just under 1kg of cooked macaroni in it.
TL;DR: You could probably make something similar but tastier, more balanced and cheaper in about the same time as it takes to cook this in the oven.
Just wondering if it is tasty because I usually don't have the capability to cook something like this from scratch and in general not a very good cook trust me I have tried.
Looking for pre-prepared stuff very easy and low maintenance to cook and clean as my time allowed or window to use the kitchen is very small but I can do oven things okay.
"trust me I have tried" LOL.
To be honest if you follow a recipe you find online it isnt all that hard. But I agree - you gotta factor in time spent cooking and washing up which is pretty significant
@Kingfield: I'm the kind of person who can't cook with oil it at least struggles completely with it.
Have butchered measurements.
I mean you can't stuff up baking something right and I can boil pasta and cook rice but yeah clean up time can drain your energy and honestly I don't think I have the patience anymore for proper full home made cooking..I am really spoilt by this instant now generation.
Honestly it's a lifestyle now a very unhealthy but addictive because super convenient and lazy lifestyle.
So anyone tried this Mac and cheese bake?
Suggest you go instead for the big Aldi lasagne. At least some nutrition in it. Combine with a salad. Prob last you all week.
I know this sounds silly and don't ask why but if the ingredients don't have meat, onion or garlic or egg it makes my life easier don't ask why it just does so that removes a lot of options for me.. ok I'll just tell you why.. the place I am renting at doesn't allow it don't ask why those are just my criteria I have to live by for now.
No meat
No egg
No onion
No garlic
No mushroom
Having said that I do sneak the occasional domino's in from time to time and hide the evidence because it is "convenient" and when no one is around mi goreng and easy oven sausages are a stealth snack.
Wow. Hope the rent is cheap!
@tonydav: It has its perks with conditions I guess.
To put it short I am kind of obliged to be here but yeah best not to get in to it.
Do you know this for sure or just assuming since mrs macs comes in single serves
I found the Costco butter chicken pretty good but massive so I split it into 200g parcels and froze them. I stir fry a bunch of vegetables, add defrosted and heated butter chicken and then cook until hot; I then add cooked rice and stir through. It is a tasty way to add more veggies to my diet.
My kids love the Costco butter chicken. It's at least one step above the Aldi one. But more expensive and you can't just grab it from the freezer.
I keep these Aldi frozen meals when we get home at 9pm from training. Better option than buying takeaway or cooking something and eating at 10pm or later.
If you split it up into parcels to freeze, when you first get it, you can do the freezer thing quite well :) We have a stir fry veggie attachment on our food processor so it doesn't take long to cut veggies the right size for stir frying. If you've premade the rice the previous day the whole thing takes almost no time and you get to up your veggie intake.
Despite the clickbait headline
Ultra-processed food linked to early death…
Correlation is not causation.
The studies have spotted a pattern between highly processed food and poor health but they cannot prove that one causes the other.
Those who ate the most ultra-processed food were also more likely to have other unhealthy behaviours, such as smoking
Nothing new…
Eat a healthy varied diet, limiting highly processed foods (like this).
Don't be from a poorer socio-economic group (correlated with unhealthy habits & lower average life expectancy).
Have parents that model good food & health habits, so you learn those habits early.
People interested in this Deal may not be convinced to limit this cheap product😉
I'll try 1…
Tried - tasty, but short on chicken & bit watery. Good value though. Will get a few for those times I'm too lazy to cook a curry👍
These are good. Chicken has certainly been getting smaller and less volume over the past couple of years. A cheeseburger is more expensive than this.
I tried this today and almost chipped a tooth. The rice is as hard as plastic, similar to coles. Woolworths ones are the best, nice and fluffy rice.
I'm assuming it's full of artificial flavours since the description only states "No artificial colours"