Found this Clamp Light on sale at David Jones. Pretty good price for a premium designed product.
Note: this is not a freestanding lamp, it is clamped onto the bench/tabletop.
Found this Clamp Light on sale at David Jones. Pretty good price for a premium designed product.
Note: this is not a freestanding lamp, it is clamped onto the bench/tabletop.
It's a heat pipe donkey kong, that draws whatever minimal heat there is into copper pipes which then raises the room temperature by 0.001 degrees.
If that's not worth paying $500 for i'm an imaginary superhero.
The Phantom Analysis
if you are buying a $85 dollar light for $850/$500 why the hell would you care if it saves money because its cheaper to run.Might save you $20 a year, great! = 50 year payback…… thanks Captain Phantom Analysis
Saw these in-store at DJs - really seem cheap and wobbly for the hefty price tag.
Even David Jones knows it's simply not worth.
wow!!!!! This is one of those WTF moments. (WTF does not stand for "World Trade Fair" in this instance).
I like the design, I do not like the price. And even when discounted to $499, I still think this is overpriced. Maybe $50 and I'll bite.
This is clearly a luxury item.
What you're willing to pay reflects what you're worth yourself.
I'd be willing to pay more than $500 for a Benz ;)
Dammit paid $850 last week!
They might let you return it if it hasn’t yet fallen apart
Don't worry I got 3 year extended warranty for $200
Don't know why you got a neg… Maybe someone did exactly that…
So a $499 table lamp.. WTF!?
I cant see how a $500 dollar light is a bargain in anyway, not unless it has some sort of power system like Ricks car on The Dysons Must be Crazy
It's a bargain vs RRP which is what matters. Not comparing to IKEA alternatives no matter how ostentatious this is.
I acknowledge your definition of bargain. its not mine though.
For me something being cheaper than RRP does not necessarily define it as a bargain.
Good luck to James Dyson and his marketing model, not sure we will all be buying $400 lamps
Jake Dyson, James makes vacuum cleaners.
$30 max…
Smart design, however it’s ugly, and not worth that price.
How is this bargain? This crap should be $84 reduced to $49. Even then I wont buy this crap lol
Waiting for xiaomi copy
I assume it's cyclonic and spins around, since it's a Dyson… Still cheaper to buy a vacuum than a lamp apparently.
You all realise this is a gliding rotating work light for artists etc, right?
Still overpriced, sure, but it's for professional work.
It's like the ergotron of monitor mounts. You don't buy it unless you really need it
Leonardo Da Vinci used a candle and natural light, imagine what his art would have been like if he used one of these…. The Sistine Chapel might of come up better? nah..overpriced techno-bling
No no no no no no no. No.
Hey, that looks like a gliding rotating work light for artists!
I reckon you could DIY a microphone boom and a corded LED lamp for the same effect. There's heaps of times i could have used something like this.
Still wouldn't buy it even if it's $49.9
When u think your can put your high price tag brand name on anything
Dyson claims it can last for 37 years before LED failure and they claim that's 10 times longer than the average LED yet the warranty for parts and labor is only for 5 years and no mention of longer warranty for the LED (assuming there is even a company in 37 years time to honour said warranty). So, effective guarantee is five years.
We can safely assume we can get ACL to determine an average LED lamp will work for 2 years.
The cheaper lamps can be as cheap as $30 (and you'd probably do better than that). So that's $75 for the 5 years of guaranteed lighting.
$424 is a premium for the design which is essentially counter balanced metal sticks.
That's some seriously poor value proposition. Still the cheapest price for this item so I won't neg.
If i wasn't inherently lazy i reckon i could make one for $15.
If you weren't inherently lazy, do you reckon u could make a space shuttle for $30?
We are talking about lamps, not space shuttles. Keep up.
@[Deactivated]: I'm talking about your seemingly amazing ability/s, it seems like I'm not the only who's overestimated you. Keep up.
This lamp is a bad joke, but still, someone buy it!
I'm sure a interior styler will buy one for home staging
Great deal op. I bought one and happy with it. Dyson always focus on design, a lot of noobs don't understand about design.
Yeah i bought one to help me reflect on growing homelessness.
Everyone whinging, but after watching the YouTube video I want this thing asap. People probably spend a few grand on junk Kmart lamps over 37 years anyways.
Seems well made and looks sturdy as made of aluminium. If you get this light your not going to be replacing it anytime soon or want to at that price. Its like furniture store RR prices. That original price seems fabricated. Is it made in China. Usually are. If its made in the UK then maybe there is that cost in the price. Still expensive. That one on sale isn't even on a stand.
By the way. Some people spend 100k on a sofa, so its all relative as to whether its worth it for that person. I do think that light will have a long life cycle and is also made of material that can be recycled when junked after its 37 years.
Did not know that Dyson makes a product that does not suck or blow.
Maybe that's why they cancelled the washing machine project.
It looks rubbish! I'd pay $1 for the scrap metal.