• expired

$20 Free McDonald's between 12AM-8AM (Delivery Applies) @ Uber Eats


$20 of free Maccas (delivery applies) from Uber Eats - Looks like you have to enter the code during the promo time of 12AM-8AM tonight. Enjoy Guys!

"The 3AM hunger pang is something to be seriously feared and Aussies have a high risk of catching this while viewing the Cricket World Cup. As a form of prevention, Uber Eats has partnered with McDonald's® to offer FREE McDonald’s between 12AM and 8AM AEST. Total value $20. Delivery fee applies"

How to redeem this offer:

Enter promo code SKIPPER to your Uber Eats account
Search for ‘McDonald’s’ in the Uber Eats app between 12AM and 8AM to see if there is a participating McDonald’s® near you
Select a participating McDonald’s restaurant (if available)
Add your favourites to your cart and up to $20 will be deducted from your order!
Place order (delivery fee applies)

Limited to the first 50,000 users who enter the code on the Uber Eats app. Limited to one promotion per user. Not valid in conjunction with any other Uber Eats promo code. Valid in Australia only. Operating hours may vary. Promotion expires 8:00am AEST on 02/06/2019

Mod Edit: Some restaurants are unavailable due to high demand. Note that for closed stores you can also pre-order (change delivery time from ASAP to a time the restaurant is open in the main screen).

Referral Links

Referral: random (1451)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • Order placed. Estimated arrival 12:20👍
    Actual arrival ?? Delivered @12:10👍

  • Eugh, got my order 45 minutes later. Really cold and soggy. Ended up throwing out most of it. Good idea but poorly executed.

    • Uber doesn't realise how many potential customers they've pissed off. Us drivers got ZERO warning to get some sleep today. Particularly those of us who do sole ubereats

  • I just ordered breakfast for 9am. Worked fine.

  • +4

    Godspeed to every Uber Eats driver in Australia right now.

    • +2

      And the poor maccas staff 😂

    • +1

      Probably the best time to go out there for extra income.

    • I'm done… Night night

  • +3

    Big brekkie burger, 2 hot cakes, a hash brown, and cookies scheduled for 7:45am!

    Edit: lol obviously someone didn’t like my order 🤔

  • +3

    I wonder how quickly this 50,000 goes.

  • Breakfast scheduled for the morning. Thanks op.

  • Works for me and discounts off delivery fee too, so my total cost was $0.10 delivered for a $20.10 order.

  • +1

    Just ordered a crispy chicken clubhouse meal with a choc frappe. $1.40 inc delivery.

    • +1

      Delivered in 17 minutes.
      Eaten in 5

  • Damn, closest maccas does not do Uber Eats at this time of night.

    • You can schedule the order for later today!

      • Will do thanks, however not liking my chances with the limit

      • +1

        How? My options are all greyed out

  • +3

    LMAO my local McDonalds went offline within one minute.
    Could order before midnight no worries.
    Terrible promotion, what a joke.

    edit: entire app down for me lol.

  • +1

    yep - discount covers delivery too…wohoo!

    • Damn I didn’t even check.

  • +2

    i ordered scheduled for 7:30, you beauty

  • Paid .10 for a $20 order with delivery!!! This is one for the ozbargain books, love it!

  • Closest store to me closed as I was selecting the order. Changed my selection to a different store near me with a higher postage cost and it worked.

    • Does it come with a tracking number and signature on delivery? :P

      • It comes with an order number, but no tracking number that I can see though it does have the track option. Also, I am still waiting on it to be delivered, unfortunately.

  • +1

    It takes the delivery fee off! Just scheduled an order for lunch time later today. Large quarter pounder meal, plus delivery was $19 or so. Didn't pay a single cent.

    • +1

      Yeah same. Free maccas!

  • +4

    Mine just closed as well right on 12…

    • +1

      You can schedule the order. I just did.

  • Thanks, ordered breakfast for 9am - Hotcakes + Sausage & Egg McMuffin.

  • -1

    Thanks OP! Just ordered 20 nuggets delivered for $0.00!!

  • Got it. Thanks OP :)

  • +1

    Order is completely free if delivery + order is under 20 bucks

  • +4

    Congrats Uber Eats. You just taught me it's not worth using you in my area. Well done on the promotion. Pah!

  • -1

    Just ordered. .55cents total

  • Got an order in for delivery at 6.45am. That's breakfast sorted. Good night.

  • +11

    My local McDonald's, usually open 24/7, is mysteriously "closed" on Ubereats until 8am…

  • +1

    Just ordered!
    Raspberry custard pie : $2.60
    Classic angus. : $8.65
    Chicken mcnugget 6 : $6.15
    Fries small : $2.40
    Paid only $5.75 for delivery! Available at maccas swanston lonsdale!

    Thanks OP!

    • +1

      Nice, they probably forgot to automatically close their store at 12am just like all the other McDonalds. :)

  • +1

    Got a long night ahead of me with assignments and was getting hungry. Cheers!

    Sucks that maccas is about 8min drive but delivery is $7

    • I'm burning the midnight oil with a dissertation too!

  • +1

    Looks like all the stores in Canberra are closed, even if the one next to me is 24h. Bugger

    • yea. lame.

    • Yep! What a scam.

  • +1

    Fyi, it lets you order less than $20 worth and doesn't charge delivery if your total order is less than $20.

  • +2

    Placed an order, will be interesting to see how long the wait for delivery is… Already been pushed back once

    • Yeah same, I just don't want to be cancelled.

  • +2

    Didn't know what to order so I just got 5 apple juices. Yum.

  • +1

    Delivery included! woo!! 20 nuggets! lets see if its honored!!! how to schedule a time???

  • +6

    Ubereats says "We're not avaliable right now, please come back later"… yeah thanks for nothing… Right on 12am of course .

    • -2

      What did you expect with thousands of orders & few available drivers to deliver them?

      • +1

        How is that my fault exactly? Maybe they shoouldn't have a promotion that runs from 12am-8am if they dont have enough drivers willing to work at those hours?

        • +1

          Not your fault - it's a limitation of any delivery service - no matter what the promotion time was. This likely problem was discussed.

          Try later (as suggested) or set a delivery time as discussed abpve.

          Mines been delivered in Brisbane @12:10🍔
          So availability of delivery drivers will depend on location & orders in your area

  • +5

    My local was unavailable from about 10pm, now claims to be closed until 8am… despite actually operating 24/7.

    What a load of shit.

  • +3

    Local 24 hour Maccas is closed on the app too. Can't order for breakfast delivery either :(

  • +7

    Added code, no problem. Then after I add items to my cart my nearby 24 hour mcdonald's mysteriously 'closes' so can't order. Lame.

  • +5


  • +2

    Was about to place an order and the store automatically closed at 12am. What a blatant (profanity) scam. LOL

    I really hope a news channel does a story on them tomorrow so they get an even bad rep. This is so dodgy.

  • My orders on its way, not bad. Cheers Op.

  • Order went through fine, can get my order as quick as by 12:11 apparently
    EDIT: Arrived at 12:20

  • +6

    Local 24 hr closed on Uber eats from 12-8 am, a big franchise too

  • +2

    3AM hunger pang? My local 24/7 store just disappeared from the app

  • +1

    FYI I have just scheduled my delivery for 9-9:30 (sadly my local won't mark as open until 9 so I'll have to starve during the Champions League Final)

  • +5

    "We're not available right now."
    Please come back later.

    Anyone else got this message now?
    Can't use the app at all.

    • +1


  • +1

    Ordered successfully and partner tried to order as well all of a sudden its unavailable!

  • +1

    Got the mates deal delivered, 2x big mac, 2 x medium fries, 2x medium sprites 10 nuggets. Came to $15.90 delivered from $35.90. WOO and it's only 10 in W.A.

    EDIT: Arrived 5 minutes earlier than the estimated 20 minute time give (15 minutes it arrived from placing order).

  • +5

    Store just went offline right on 12 despite being open 24/7

    • -1

      Only available at participating stores.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, got mine delivered @ $4.55

    But 45 minute delivery tho, I live literally 1 minute drive away.

  • +1

    ordered! wooohoooo 15mins delivered! st. peters (nsw) store.

  • Mine went unavailable after 3 minutes :'(

  • Delivered, woohoo

  • +1

    Heidelberg in Melbourne went "Currently Unavailable" at 12:03am while I had a cart full and the app stated the offer was active.. sigh

    • They probably had 300 orders at 12:00:05am and went "wtf?!"

    • Roxburgh and Thomastown went "Currently Unavailable" too

  • +3

    Right on 12 the site says "We are not available right now" changed my address to add the code. No idea why its not available when there are plenty of drivers around and there are 2 24/7 McDonalds in the area.

    • +1


    • Being an ex-employee ages ago at my Maccas it would be insanely busy at 12am since it was on a main road, so I'm not surprised they decided to turn off UberEats to ensure they can fulfill orders that already came through and people at the physical store itself.

      • +2

        No what I mean is Uber Eats has been turned off in my area. All stores are gone.

        • My partner is now having the same problem, it seems Uber servers can't handle the high demand.

          • +1

            @BeterLe: Probably aren't any riders available in the area.
            Mine had a few (non-maccas) stores available with a warning about high demand, and now nothing.
            Unlike servers, scaling up riders isn't as predictable or efficient, and there are only a finite number of riders working.

  • +1

    Driver is on his way with my late free dinner in Adelaide. Nice one.

  • +2

    WTF, I put the apartment building next to Maccas Vic Mart, it says Location too far?

    • +2

      Same lmao I'm like 400m from it hahaha what a fail

    • +2

      Same, "unable to load cart, too far from the restaurant". I'm 3 km away.

    • Try again, mine said that at first, it worked after few moments.

  • +2

    I think when stores get overloaded with orders, they become "unavailable or closed".

  • Got it!

  • Unavailable for me. What a waste of time, the store I selected was suddenly unavailable from 6pm last night and won't be available until 8am later…despite it being a 24/7 store.

  • +1

    All mcdonalds are unavailable in brisbane city

    thank you mcdo for your scam :)

  • Now my local won’t deliver

  • +2

    All Uber eats stores are now suddenly closed. Usually I have about 6 still trading after midnight. It must be because there are too many orders coming in to how many riders there are.

    I managed to place an order at 12.01am and it went through, but i can't find my order in recents and the store is now unavailable.

    The stores are unavailable due to high demand;

  • …aaand the dude is in my driveway.

  • Worked great in Rockdale :D

  • Got it, had to set address as 3 doors down lmao

  • +1

    "this location is currently closed"

  • Damn that's a lot of Maccas for 5 bucks!

    How does this usually work? I chose PayPal as payment method and it says order being prepared but I haven't been billed.

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